Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Alain Horoit’s lawyer offered an agreement he would pay what he owes for this blog to be removed. I agreed.
Upon which Alain Horoit  ignored the agreement so it never took place and then his lawyer refused to work with him.
Now he has to carry the complete process costs. He neglected to pay the judicial expenses. The German judicial system became one on the long list of his creditors.

Saturday, October 12, 2013



Not only did mister Never Give Up take my money but he also tried to take away my voice.
Now he finally lost the cause in the court and has to carry the costs. 
Another entry on his list of creditors is now the German justice.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Alain Horoit Mister Never Give Up to Never Give Back cheated his best friend by forging his name

The friend says-
This is à proof Some people need to see That Alain is à cheater and à liar.
I won the case in the whole line. There was no single proof that i was the one who was 
organizing his parties and that alain misbused my name and even wrote my name under his
mails to Hilton. Alain made à contract with Hilton and used my company name like my 
company was THE organisator.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fraud? Speaker with a dark past ‘Mister Never Give Up’ is planning performances in Antwerp by Dennis van Damme, Gazet Van Antwerpen


The following is a translation of an  article written in Dutch by Dennis van Damme in the Belgian Gazet Van Antwerpen on July 6, 2013.

Who is the mysterious Mister Never Give Up who is planning a show in Antwerp in December? According to him, he is a source of inspiration for everyone who has problems. But according to others he is a seasoned fraud who has swindled many people of their money.

Mister Never Give up is coming to Belgium in December. “He will do a series of shows in Antwerp,” an enthusiastic press release announces. “That these shows will be remarkable, and that a whole lot of special guests can be expected, seems all but assured.”
According to the same press release, Mister Never Give Up is “much more than a motivational speaker, he is the ‘motivational rock star’ of Facebook. A real countryman who has had an international breakthrough.”


To be clear, Mister Never Give Up is Alain Horoit. He was born in Berche
m, spent a large part of his life in Berchem, and is currently living in Spain. According to him, he was active for many years in the entertainment industry, and among other things, he managed the disco Sotto’s in Zottegem.

“I was on top”, Horoit says in a phone conversation with this paper. I had personnel, I had money, but I also had a lot to lose. A few years ago I went bankrupt. I didn’t see a way out. In those five minutes that I considered giving everything up, Mister Never Give Up was born.”

Mister Never Give Up is, according to Horoit, a sort of mentor to anyone who has fallen on hard times and does not see a way out. He wrote a book about it that was sold through the Internet. Horoit is most active on Facebook. “My page has over 310.000 followers”, he says. “And those aren’t just people who have clicked on ‘Like’. I get emails daily from people who are asking for my help and advice. Those are the people that I do this for.”

Guest speakers

The show in December will be in English. “I tell my story and try to motivate people to never give up. The guest speakers are other motivational speakers who are especially active on Facebook under names such as ‘Inspirational Positive Quotes’ and ‘Lessons Learned in Life’.”

Tickets aren’t cheap: they cost 24.95 or 29.95 euro. About this Horoit is clear: “You cannot expect to pay the price of a cinema ticket for a show that will change your life.”

But Alain Horoit does not remain someone who is not spoken about. Moreover, the more we examine his past, the more people and organizations we encounter who have a bone to pick with the man. “He is a complete swindler,” was the reaction of Michael Freilich of the magazine Joods Actueel. “In 2010 he ordered an advertisement with us, but he never paid.”

Horoit, who is Jewish, needed the ad to promote a gala ball for the Jewish community that he had organized in the Radisson Blu hotel near the Stadspark. The ball would turn out to be a flop. Joods Actueel is one of many parties who were left with a bitter taste after the ball.

Gaining trust

Horoit also placed an ad in the Dutch Jewish magazine Benjamin without paying. Many people who were involved with organizing the party, were presented with bills afterwards for services that Horoit had ordered. Similarly with his former friend Marco Devaux:

“I suddenly received a bill for 25,000 euro for the rent of the party hall and a bunch of hotel rooms in the Hilton Hotel,” Davaux said. “I went into business with him because I knew his whole family and trusted him. We had arranged that he would organize the events and that we would sell tickets through my company, on which I would receive a three per cent commission. We hadn’t written this agreement down. This was stupid of me, but Horoit is very good at gaining people’s trust. His method is simple. He borrows money from one to close the holes at another. In total I have lent him 16,000 euro, money I have never seen again. I did have to pay 1,500 euro in legal fees only to prove that Horoit, not I, had booked the hotel rooms and party hall.”

Not all victims have pressed charges against Horoit. For some the legal fees would be higher than the loss they have suffered. The Dutchman Nathan Bouscher (29) was asked to arrange transportation for several guests from Amsterdam to the gala ball in Antwerp. Also he received a bill from the bus company, while Horoit had promised to pay. “In my case this concerns a bit more than 700 euro,” Bouscher says. “If I were to challenge him in court, I would lose more money.”

Judicial investigation

In Antwerp there is an investigation running against Horoit for suspected fraud and forgery. The man is also known with the courts in Dendermonde and Brussels. With a Dutch musician was in a legal clinch about thousands of euros of royalties. The biggest case file against Horoit is in Germany. A 37-year old woman, who wishes to remain anonymous and with whom Horoit had a relationship, bundled a number of complaints. She claims she has lent him 10,000 euro. Also she never saw her money back. Because Horoit is living in hiding in Spain, the legal proceedings in Germany are currently stuck.

It is also remarkable that the Antwerp cinema complex UGC, where the Mister Never Give Up Show is supposed to take place according to the press release, have never heard of him.

“Jealous stalker”

Horoit himself denies all allegations of fraud. He was still looking for another location for his show. “All those people are talking a lot, but they don’t have any proof. I have never been convicted. I have always been strong enough not to respond to such lies. That woman in Germany is a stalker. She is jealous of my success.”

But several victims, such as Marco Devaux and Nathan Bouscher, are convinced that he is trying swindle people out of money again. “His stage name is very well chosen,” Bouscher bitterly remarks. “He really doesn’t give up.”

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Communication with a sociopath – Do not worry about what they think

A few simple steps 
1.  Eliminate emotion from the communication
There are times when we must communicate with individuals with personality disorders.  Often, they see these times as opportunities to abuse, manipulate, and engage us.  If it’s fun to make us angry, they will likely try.  Taking our emotions out of the communication equation, however, will make for less interesting interactions.  So, regardless of what they may include in their communication, we must keep it all business.
2.  Communicate using facts and few words
We should not employ a running commentary on their behavior, our issues with their behavior, or our feelings and wishes.  We should also avoid any type of advice.  We are best served by keeping communication short, simple, and factual.
3.  Stay on topic, communicating only regarding the issue at hand
We tend to write or speak in effort to come to a solution or make collaborative decisions.  We tend to not get anywhere, however, when we are dealing with those with personality disorders.  Frequently, they refuse to answer even direct questions, refuse to directly discuss the issue being addressed, or shift the topic altogether.  Not only are non-responses frustrating and useless wastes of time, but they keep us engaged.  We must learn to communicate regarding relevant material only.
4.  If the other party attempts to shift the topic without resolution, re-direct at once
Naturally, they often try to shift the topic without reaching a conclusion.  Why?  Because a resolution is not what they are looking for and it usually keeps us reeling.  They are not looking to solve matters, in spite of the fact that they will tell us they are.  Rather, the discussion constitutes engagement and opportunity to attack us further or fuel their “supply.”  Resist contributing to this and re-direct them at once.  Do not get lost in their name calling or desire for back and forth.
5.  Communicate stance, but do not repeat
We must say what we mean and mean what we say.  We must resist making threats or presenting ultimatums.  We should make our positions clear in as non-confrontational a way as possible and resist repeatedly covering the same ground with no results.  Typically, we are effective communicators.  Our failure to progress on an issue with a disordered individual is usually not our fault.
6.  Do not waver from that stance due to bullying, set boundaries
Sometimes, if we feel bullied, we may back down in an effort to ameliorate the situation.  That almost never works.  If legitimate facts come to light and we change our positions based on something concrete, that is different.  We need not be bull headed.  However, we should not change our positions simply to keep peace with these personalities.  While under normal circumstances, compromise works well, with them, we will only be seen as weak and they will exploit us at the next opportunity.  And they will see to it that there is a “next opportunity.”  Set boundaries as soon as possible.
7.  Do not worry about what they think
What they think of us will not change.  They view us negatively, and unlike with the non-disordered, our actions will not change that.  Try very hard not to become involved in the debate about responsibility and who is right or wrong.  It is futile.
8.  Do not allow their lies and projection to become part of the truth
Individuals with personality disorders tend to enjoy putting others on the defensive.  That is not a desirable place for us to be.  However, we can choose not to participate.  That does not mean that we should allow their lies to become “facts” either.  We should state the truth once to the audience who needs to hear the truth.  That’s usually enough.  If we carry on for too long, we run the risk of allowing them to alter the “facts.”
9.  Plan ahead for these types of struggles
For the most part, unless being “nice” to us directly benefits them or their cause, it’s safe to say we will not be treated well in these exchanges.  We must accept that and not allow the mistreatment to hurt our feelings or catch us off guard.  Time and a solid understanding of what happens in these exchanges will eventually place them so far away from us emotionally that none of this will matter.
However, in the interim, we must stop looking to them for validation or approval.  It is not coming.  Why do we care what someone overflowing with disorder thinks?  When someone distorts most of their surroundings, would we expect them to properly interpret us?  No.  As mysterious as they seem, the majority of their behavior becomes fairly predictable, once we become experienced.  Further, they all operate similarly enough for us to be able to plan ahead to some extent.

Friday, June 21, 2013

With this kind of friends you need no enemies!

Hey mister Horoit will organize something again. Suppliers watch your money  that you never see returned,  this gentleman is 
unreliable. For the last party he owes for advertising the quarterly Benjamin in the Netherlands just over € 900,It is clear that he never gives up! With this kind of friends you need no enemies

 by Michel Kotek

Monday, June 17, 2013

quote for tofay

"I suppose, in the end the whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye..."

"The Life of Pi"

Sunday, April 28, 2013


MISTER NEVER GIVE UP'S TO NEVER GIVE BACK Are Often Really Really Good Looking

MISTER NEVER GIVE UP'S TO NEVER GIVE BACK Are Often Really Really Good Looking

People who have known sociopaths have said numerous times that there is often something very attractive about them, be it physically or charismatically, and it has psychiatrists confused. People do tend to trust and follow better looking people more than they do ugly people, so there's that...


Many sociopaths harbor delusions of grandeur and believe that it's probable that they can, in fact, one day rule the world. That is why so many sociopaths believe that nobody will ever be able to find them out.



Many sociopaths are not antisocial people. A lot of them are super friendly, charming, and know how to work a crowd. This allows them to get away with whatever they want, since nobody will ever suspect the great guy in the room.


Thursday, April 25, 2013



Victims are created in two ways: by violence or by deceit. Either type of assault immediately renders the victim hostage to the perpetrator.”
So begins the book Legal Abuse Syndrome, by Karin Huffer, MS, MFT. Lovefraud strongly recommends that anyone who has been victimized by a sociopath read this book, whether you have faced your perpetrator in court or not.
The book explains how people who have suffered injury at the hands of some type of predator often face further injury inflicted by lawyers and the courts, who can be, at best, disinterested, and at worst, corrupt. Legal Abuse Syndrome, Huffer says, is a form of post traumatic stress disorder caused by prolonged contact with the so-called “justice” system.
Along the way, however, the author answers many of the questions that those of us victimized by sociopaths have asked:
If I am the victim, why do I feel guilty?
Why can’t I share my devastation with my family and friends?
How can I recover from this assault?
Conscience-centered and power-centered
Huffer does not call the perpetrators of assault, and the complicit people in the legal bureaucracy, sociopaths or psychopaths. Rather, she describes everyone as fitting somewhere on a continuum of motivation between “conscience-centered” and “power-centered.” The extreme power-centered individuals, however, are clearly sociopaths.

Huffer writes:
Trust has usually left the conscience-centered vulnerable. If deception is to work, there have to be those who trust. Convergence of power-centered and conscience-centered people, in their purest forms, will inevitably result in the conscience-centered person being victimized. It is a marriage of deathly complementary value systems upon which the power-centered thrive. They literally tend a garden of trusting relationships while perpetrating hidden agendas.
Those who value truth, honesty, and a moral and ethical code make up the majority of people. These masses are the conscience-centered who collide head-on against a slick minority of individuals, the power-centered. PC’s pull out the “big guns” of moral turpitude for power motives, regardless of damage to others or society.
Of course, everyone on Lovefraud knows exactly what the author is talking about.
Eight steps to recovery
Even more important than describing the experience of the victim—”the kidnapping of the soul”—Karin Huffer offers a path to recovery.
  1. Debriefing: Writing down, in a particular format, exactly what happened.
  2. Grieving: A natural and healing reaction to the most profound loss—a loss of trust.
  3. Obsession: Figuring out what happened occupies a victim’s life.
  4. Blaming: Guilt, rage, anger and wrong need to be directed at the offender.
  5. Deshaming: Victims must get rid of inappropriate shame.
  6. Reframing: Reframe the experience with insights that empower and affirm the self.
  7. Empowerment: Taking ownership of the ravaged experience.
  8. Recovery: Emerging from victim as a veteran, with honed wisdom, courage and tools.
Huffer’s point is that it is possible to recover from the destruction inflicted by power-centered individuals, i.e., sociopaths, and grow as an individual. It is a message of hope.
Overcoming devastation
This book’s full title is Overcoming the Devastation of Legal Abuse Syndrome. It provides case studies of people who have been defrauded by criminals, lawyers and judges, often operating in cahoots. Only one case involved a typical Lovefraud story—a deceptive husband trying to cut his wife out of the marital assets. And it does offer advice for people who are in litigation with predators.
But I think the book could be called Overcoming the Devastation of a Sociopath. From cover to cover, it is filled with insight into what we have experienced, and how to come to terms with it. It is invaluable help for anyone who, after gross deception and injustice, trying to recover a  sense of self.

By March 31, 2008



An open letter to lawyers who have clients involved with sociopaths

Dear Mr. or Ms. Esquire,
When a client tells you his or her opponent is a sociopath, please be aware of the ramifications for your legal case.
First of all, do not disregard the statement just because the opponent hasn’t killed anyone. A common perception is that sociopaths are all deranged serial killers. This is not true—only a small percentage of sociopaths commit murder. But all sociopaths are social predators, and live by exploiting others.
Frequently this is financial exploitation—many sociopaths are skilled con artists—but not always. Sociopaths also target people who can provide them with a place to live, business connections, sex, housekeeping or other support services, children, or a respectable image in the community while they live double lives.  The point is that sociopaths intentionally use manipulation and deceit to hook their target. They continue the manipulation and deceit to keep the exploitation going, bleeding the target until there is nothing left. At that point, some sociopaths abandon the target, moving on without a backward glance.
Sometimes, however, the target gets wise to the sociopath, and wants to end the involvement. At this point, some sociopaths become enraged at the possibility of losing control, and set out to crush the target. They are not interested in compromise or equitable distribution. They do not want to give the target whatever he or she is entitled to. They want to grind the target into the dirt.

What you need to understand about sociopaths

1. A sociopath’s prime objective is power and control. All they want is to win.
2. Sociopaths love the drama of court because it gives them an opportunity to win. They do not consider the possibility that they may lose. If they do lose, they view it a bump in the road, and figure out how to attack the target again. Forcing the target to incur steadily mounting legal expenses is considered a win.
3. Sociopaths lie. They lie convincingly. They have no qualms about lying in court documents or on the witness stand.
4. Sociopaths manipulate other people to lie for them. These witnesses may not know they are lying—they may simply believe everything that the sociopath has told them, because sociopaths are so convincing.
5. Sociopaths feel no obligation to follow court orders or the law. They only follow court orders or the law if they perceive an advantage in doing so. But they are experts at figuring out ways to use the law to further their objective, which is to crush your client.

How people become targets

Most of us believe that people are basically good inside and everybody just wants to be loved. Because we do not know that there are exceptions to these beliefs—namely, sociopaths—we have huge blind spots that these predators can exploit.
No normal person intentionally becomes involved with a lying, manipulative sociopath. So when your client tells you outrageous stories of the sociopath’s behavior, and also says he or she never knew about the behavior, or accepted the sociopath’s explanations, your client is most likely telling the truth.
How do these entanglements happen? Sociopaths are always on the lookout for people they can use. When they encounter someone through any social interaction, they quickly evaluate whether that person has something that they want. If the answer is yes, they assess the person for vulnerabilities. Then they figure out how to exploit the person’s vulnerabilities to achieve their objective.
Sociopaths engage in calculated seduction. If you’re handling a divorce case, the seduction was romantic. If it’s some other type of case, the seduction may have involved shared beliefs, aspirations or goals. Either way, in the beginning of the involvement the target is subject to a wonderful honeymoon of admiration and promise.
Once the target is hooked, the sociopath begins the exploitation, while simultaneously ramping up manipulation to keep the target under control. This may involve:
  • Isolating the target from his or her support network
  • Emotional, psychological, verbal, physical, sexual or financial abuse
  • Gaslighting—making the target doubt his or her own perceptions

What you need to understand about the target

1. Involvement with a sociopath is like living in a black hole of chaos. Your client, the target, has probably had every aspect of his or her life disrupted:
  • Career interrupted
  • Finances ruined
  • Health compromised
  • Home and property neglected
  • Relationships shattered
By the time the legal action commenced, your client may have already been in free fall for a long time. He or she may feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the issues that need to be addressed.
2. Involvement with a sociopath can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At one time PTSD was diagnosed only in relation to a single traumatic event that involved risk of serious injury or death, coupled with intense fear, horror or helplessness. A new definition identifies a type of PTSD that results from cumulative trauma and long-term injury.
3. PTSD is a psychiatric injury (not a mental illness). PTSD causes biochemical changes in the brain and affects certain areas of the brain’s anatomy. Common symptoms include intrusive thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty concentrating and exhaustion.
4. The litigation against the sociopath makes your client re-experience the underlying trauma and triggers the symptoms of PTSD. Dr. Karin Huffer, in her book Unlocking Justice, explains what happens:
Mentally reliving the trauma during legal proceedings simultaneously activates parts of the brain that support intense emotions while diminishing the functions of the central nervous system that controls motor output, regulates physiological arousal, and impedes the ability to communicate in words. Memory fails and intrusive emotions sabotage concentration on the task at hand. Litigants feel incapable of the spontaneous verbal response and interaction required in typical courtroom exchanges. As a result, the litigant with PTSD might be driven to avoid topics. They literally do not hear them. They disconnect when they need to engage. And, at times, they clearly are nonfunctional and are unable to communicate their symptoms and needs in a formal manner accepted by the courts.
5. Targets of sociopaths have been deceived, betrayed and perhaps subject to violence. They approach the courts expecting justice, which sociopaths actively thwart. When justice is denied, and targets instead experience profound and prolonged injustice, their PTSD takes on another dimension, which Huffer identifies as “Legal Abuse Syndrome.”

Your client’s experience

The goal of this letter, Mr. or Ms. Esquire, is to help you understand what your client has experienced. My objective is to explain why he or she may be having difficulties with the litigation process, and difficulties moving on in life. The sociopath intentionally used your client—perhaps for years—and may be intentionally attempting to destroy him or her now.
Your client is not irrational, lazy or obstinate. Your client is having a normal reaction to profound betrayal.
Donna Andersen
Author, Lovefraud.com, and a former litigant against a sociopath

Saturday, April 20, 2013


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: is there hope
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 10:53:53 +0000
From: Shalom From Hatikvah <hatikvah1@hotmail.com>
To: <alinkap@mail.ru>

I am always paranoiac.  I must see to believe, and always think what's the catch behind it.  

I am thinking and thinking what they are up to, but so far everything is cleverly constructed, payments were done to guarantee business transactions with the suppliers and they know that I can just call the bank to see if any transaction was made without my knowledge.

So that whole thing seem very serious and I give it a try.  The moment I see they take me as a fool, will be the moment I will intervene.

I had 2 bankruptcies, I had a few companies and busines myself.  I know what they can do, where they can lie, and where any excuses stop.

So either they play open card, either I will notice very soon if something is wrong.
But so far, everything seem ok and it deserves a chance

They cannot wear the two hats with me.
Either they are smart and this time, NO MORE DELAY permitted.  Either they play the dummies to explain a further delay, and then we quit, because we don't work with dummies.  But they can not play dummies and pretend to be smart at the same time.  I will not buy this.

So, yes, I am still hopful and am watching it closely without being naive.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



When a sociopath targets his victim, does he think and create a plan as to HOW he is going to manipulate his prey to glean what he wants, or is this just second nature to him?  How can he spend MONTHS being such a kind, considerate person, going out of his way to do the “little” things that matter in life, before turning into the evil monster?

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Alain sent you a message.

Alain Horoit27 janvier 2011, 21:18
Re: website
more pictures and the values of life and it's opposites

happiness - sadness,
rich - poor
cry - laugh
love - pain
etc etc

because for everything, you need partly the opposite too otherwise you wouldn't notice anything in this world. Everything must be in balance.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Miriam Young  witnesses:

Alain's clearly skilled at convincing people to believe him. He may beat me with his words but my intentions and integrity infinitely outweigh his. So be careful whose words you believe... but look at our actions and what we each stand for.February 13, 2012 at 9:47pm

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


high art of making people work for him for free... Bravo Alain. We all should learn the art of manipulation and lying to reach our goals.

Patrick J. Pereira
I found 30 people that alain still owns money to. Over the years I´ve received the craziest messages from people. One guy told me he completely redesigned a club and never got a cent from Alain.

  Jeroen Flamman: For those who don't know: he was the man behind Jumping Is Not A Crime, Start Stop Records, Explosive Car Tuning, Sotto's - he owes many DJ's and artists money. He seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth but now he's back..

 ‎Jeff Abraxas Porter Patrick J. Pereira and me were even in a police cell in Cannes after we fought with him in the streets outside the Midem

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


mail by Alain Horoit's ex best friend: (name deleted to protect identity)companies that he cheated and where he stole from. Benjamin, 750 euro, de lairessestraat 145,147, www.joodswelzijn.nlbeuk, 708,19 euro, van berckelweg 32, postbus 150, 2200 ad noordwijk, www.beuk.eu /Radisson blu park lane hotel, 14259,67 euro, antoon van dijkstraat 3, 2018 antwerpen / joods actueel, 541,48 euro, lange leemstraat 174, 2018 antwerpen. / radio judaica, 1114 euro, chaussee de vleurgat 89, 1050 bruxelles , belgium, www.cerclebengourion.comlaurent perrier difusion B, 19079,41 euro, 46 bd brand whitlock, 1200 bruxelles. / patrick jumpen, / Pat B  He own a webdesigner money, T-Bounce ( he have a website) / he borrowed 5000 euro from the boss of discotheque Noxx in antwerpen. He ows me around 16000 euros, i trusted him like a brother and with all his good words i believed him. There are many more where he borrowed money from. i am ashamed that i know this person and that i trusted him. i want to forget everything about him . He also have to give hilton about 25000 euro. This case i won in court because it was more then clear that alain was the cheater. It was hilton of antwerpen at the groenplaats.



Within two weeks the controversial T-shirts from the market. The shirt is a male jumpend to see around it stands in a circle that says "Jumping is not a crime." The logo Bikkembergs is a footballer kicks a ball, surrounded by the text 'Bikkembergs.
Alain Horoit has designed the logo and legally registered. He owns IMP music, one of the big names in the jumscene. He denies that the old logo a parody of that Bikkembergs is: "It's a jumper dancing in a circle of letters. The similarity with Bikkembergs clothing is entirely coincidental. Then you can print all the dolls in circles or to prohibit."
According to Dieter Geernaert , lawyer Bikkembergs, harms the image of the jumper Bikkembergs: "Bikkembergs is an exclusive brand. Association with something ordinal airs as jumping, touch the image to. should therefore be removed from the market."
Horoit has changed its logo without complaint, despite his belief that his logo is not a copy. The new logo is now a jumper dancing in a circle full of words.Bikkembergs agrees with the new logo."When the lawyer Bikkembergs approached us, we have advised. We have no lawyer was retained. I did not want a lawsuit. Better a little less good system, a process whose outcome is uncertain."
The T-shirts that IMP makes his merchandise for the record. Under the brand name "Jumping is not a crime" are also produced CDs and festivals. Of the official T-shirts with the old logo, there are only a few hundred were sold. Now they are on the website no longer for sale.
Due to the popularity of the jump and the CDs, the "Jumping is not a crime 'T-Shirts massively copied. On the internet many websites to find that the T-shirts with logo are sold.
Until recently Horoit was powerless against these illegal copies: "Then I approached gastje such a site and asked him to stop feeding my logo. Then I was told that they were not my logo, but by Bikkembergs had imitated and they asked me if I had a deal with Bikkembergs. Well, I have now. "
Horoit want with Bikkembergs took action against these sites, but an agreement on a joint action, they have not yet reached. Also Bikkembergs says act now want to come to these smaller parties, but will in the context of the current case is not too lose.Geernaert: "I'm not going to give up strategy, but what I can say is that we will make this party in default. Halen their trade or not the Internet, they are taken to court."


"It's a jumper dancing in a circle of letters. The similarity with Bikkembergs clothing is entirely coincidental." [Alain Horoit, designer of the forbidden logo]

Google translation:
Under the brand name "Jumping is not a crime ' impMUSIC produces CDs, t-shirts and celebrations. Owner Alain Horoit made ​​there a self made logoThis is  designed with a jumping doll in the text "Jumping is not a crime" which is a parody of the famous Bikkembergs logo. Alain Horoit denies it. But the clothing manufacturer thinks differently about it. Bikkembergs demanded that the shirts with the logo be removed from  the market because it would harm the image of Bikkembergs.. Bikkembergs threatened to file a lawsuit to prevent the logo from spreadingSeveral sites still sell pirated copies of the shirts with the prohibited logo - according to Z24 report (FD and RTL).  
Well I'm starting to wonder if I should show the banned logo here  ...


from selling porn to selling books in just one step

Nach dem Motto „Ein fetter Beat braucht nen fetten Auspuff“ ist Jump inzwischen zum Lifestyle geworden. Das freut vor allem den Mann, der das Logo "Jumping Is Not A Crime" von einem belgischen Stardesigner abgekupfert hat. Seine DVDs zeigen Tuning und Jumps, außerdem vertreibt er T-Shirts, Compilations und sogar Pornos im Jumpstyle…

Jump-Kaiser Alain macht vor nichts und niemandem Halt. "Ich habe beim Googeln gesehen, dass ich als Kaiser bezeichnet werde. Das stammt aber nicht von mir. Ich würde so was nie sagen, weil ich weiß, dass es noch viel zu tun gibt. In der ganzen Welt. Es gibt noch 190 Länder, die erobert werden wollen." (Alain) 

Following the motto "A Fat Beat takes a fat exhaust" Jump has now become a lifestyle. This is particularly good news for the man who plagiarized the logo "Jumping Is Not A Crime" by a Belgian star designer. His DVDs show changes and jumps, he also sells T-shirts, compilations and even porn in Jumpstyle ...

Jump Kaiser Alain stops at nothing and no one. "I saw when googling, I am called emperor. This comes not from me. Something I would never say that, because I know that there is still much to do. Throughout the world. There are 190 countries who want to be conquered. "(Alain)


How can I buy the book?
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What is the book about?
There are many things that you always knew but could never put them into words. This book is an expression of your thoughts. This book will let you think, understand and discover yourself. My story, my way, isn’t only what it means to me, but what it means to you.
Where can I buy the book?
At this moment, the book is exclusively available through our site. In a short time, the book will also be available through major online bookstores, like amazon.com. In a later stage, you will be able to find the book in stores, starting in the USA & Canada. But we are working to get it simply everywhere! If you know an independent bookstore near you, send us an email address of that store and we will contact them.
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Yes, once that you have ordered and paid, we will ship your order wherever you are. In general, you can expect your order to be delivered between 8 to 16 days from the date of order.
About the price.

Be reassured that I kept the price as low as possible. This book contains 320 pages including many beautiful pictures, color and high quality paper. I wanted my book to look nice at an affordable price. I believe that 19,95 $ is a very fair price.



He will choose you, disarm you with his words, and control you with his presence. He will delight you with his wit and his plans. He will show you a good time but you will always get the bill. He will smile and deceive you and he will scare you with his eyes. And when he is through with you, and he will be through with you, he will desert you and take with him your innocence and your pride.

You will be left much sadder and not a lot wiser and for a long time you will wonder what happened and what you did wrong. And if another of his kind comes knocking on your door, will you open it?

Quoted from Robert D. Hare "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us"

Saturday, March 30, 2013


-------- Original Message --------
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 22:20:41 +0000
From: Shalom From Hatikvah <hatikvah1@hotmail.com>
To: <alinkap@mail.ru>

albert has update me about the meetings
it will be for next week as i will meet two employees
he hasn't answered me yet about the time i would have to stay
we'll see
so by now and next week i'll be there, i'll let you know
about the money, i'll do it there
anyway, whatever you need so urgently
it will be fixed, as with time, you'll have it returned
for the smaller amounts, yes it will be fixed from there
as i'll soon as i'll have to go
my contact will provide it to me

shabbat shalom