Saturday, July 28, 2012


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    • Everything About The History Of The Palestinians Hi Joel. The book is temporary out of stock and Amazon took it out for review. Amazon offered the book at 14,50$. The explanation below sheds some light on what was the purpose of the book.

    • Everything About The History Of The Palestinians The purpose of the book was clear, to spread the message that there's simply no history of the Arab Palestinians. We have requested our publisher to transmit the right description about the Blank pages to Amazon. I don't know exactly about the way of processing this, but it didn't go as fast as we wanted. From our side, we have decided at first to keep it as a surprise, expecting the people to be amused and introduce it the same way back to their friends. Certain feedback has met our expectation. In some other cases, not, that is why we decided to change our strategy and to announce that the content of the book is BLANK. Blank pages are legal as there are several book sold this way, like recently a book called "everything Obama knows about economy." It was a book that hit the media. The purpose of our book was achieving the same. If it was picked up by the media, we believe to have succeeded in opening the debate. And I do believe that would have been a perfect advocay for Israel. The book was intentionally blank and I have no doubt in my mind that people will realize our good intentions. There was no scam at all. Regarding the price and purchase. I know that most people will like to get things for free. If other people like to invest in something and be giving it for free, that would be their problem. From our side, that book has cost us the same was any traditional book will cost. The price has been set by our publisher and unfortunately we couldn't sell it for less nor did we want it to give it for free. We invested money in it, and the least I may expect is to get it returned.

      Regarding refunds. I am sure that Amazon has a good refund policy and certain people got refunded. I haven't sold any books directly, everything went through Amazon. It would have been more profitable if I would have sold it myself, but that wasn't my purpose. I want to add that most of the people who screamed outraged, were people who didn't buy it and never intended to buy it. As it is usually the case, the people who are the least involved, are the one ones who talk the most. In the other hand, I got some angry people saying that ISRAEL has no history and that this book was a scam. Should they be refunded as well? As always, every creative idea is critized. What you fight against, grows. People who have a different opinion about the idea of the book, that is just their opinion. I still believe that the purpose of this book was right. There is no history of Arab Palestinians.

      What people do not know, is that in the meantime, this book has been reviwed by some prominent and influential people who got it from us. And their reactions, which will be published later on, were beyond our expecations. They loved our creative idea in spreading the truth.

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