Sunday, August 19, 2012


01.09.200918:52:09jinacAlineok. i will be back in 30min. my parents are here
01.09.200920:02:51jinacAlinedo u have a good relation with your boss?
01.09.200920:02:56jinacAlinethe russian jew?
01.09.200920:03:01AlinejinacI guess
01.09.200920:03:06AlinejinacI have just met him
01.09.200920:03:23Alinejinacbut he is a client of a friend
01.09.200920:03:39jinacAlineand who's that friend?
01.09.200920:03:47Alinejinachis name is Nisim
01.09.200920:03:56Alinejinache is in tourism
01.09.200920:04:15Alinejinache also takes care of people who to Germany
01.09.200920:04:20Alinejinacfrom Russia and Israel
01.09.200920:05:24jinacAlinebecause i need to get in touch with influential people. I do good things, great things, but again all alone. I need to talk to people who possibly see some opportunities in what i can offer
01.09.200920:06:00jinacAlinetalking to people is already a first step
01.09.200920:06:21Alinejinacdo you want to talk to him on telephone or come to Germany when he is here next time?
01.09.200920:06:38AlinejinacI think you need to talk to his father
01.09.200920:06:46Alinejinacseems he is the one making decisions
01.09.200920:07:10AlinejinacI don't know how good his English is
01.09.200920:07:26AlinejinacI'll see him on Thursday
01.09.200920:07:48Alinejinachow would you like to do it?
01.09.200920:08:09Alinejinacemail phone or in person?
01.09.200920:09:45Alinejinacare you there?
01.09.200920:10:02AlinejinacI also have a Jewish friend in Kiev who helps the community
01.09.200920:10:19Alinejinachis company has had some problems due to crisis
01.09.200920:10:33Alinejinacbut I think he would be interested in promoting a Jewish cause
01.09.200920:10:48jinacAlineanything can do
01.09.200920:10:52Alinejinache is a really good and close frined for many years
01.09.200920:10:59jinacAlinei don't need fortunes and i can give 12%
01.09.200920:11:35jinacAlineI know that my events are great and based upon turnovers of 200.000e
01.09.200920:12:11jinacAlineso if someone is interested, he can start slowly to see I'm serious, to see that he gets his money + profits in return and then we can go on
01.09.200920:12:21Alinejinacmaybe you could write me a letter to translate into Russian
01.09.200920:12:36Alinejinacor better
01.09.200920:12:42jinacAlinedon't you know anyone living in Germany?
01.09.200920:13:18Alinejinacwith serious money I know only in Russia and my boss who is a billionaire but not Jewish
01.09.200920:13:34jinacAlinesums going from 10.000 are not a lot for these people. It was a joke for me also some months ago
01.09.200920:14:13jinacAlineIf i speak to a billionaire, then i certainly cannot come with 10000. :)
01.09.200920:14:28Alinejinacwhen you see me you should make a briefing for me so that I know what to talk about
01.09.200920:14:39jinacAlinehow close are you with your billionaire boss?
01.09.200920:15:34Alinejinacin Kiev we got to talk more - because I was being his personal assistant
01.09.200920:16:08Alinejinacand he trusts me to look for an Ukrainian bride for him :)
01.09.200920:16:30Alinejinache said when he studied in the States he was alwyas taken for a Jew
01.09.200920:16:35Alinejinacwith his last name
01.09.200920:16:45Alinejinacand his mom is American half Vitnamese half Chinese
01.09.200920:16:55Alinejinacso he looks vaguely Oriental
01.09.200920:17:28Alinejinache said I would continue working for him even if I moved to Antwerp :)
01.09.200920:18:01Alinejinacdo you think I should talk to him?
01.09.200920:18:24Alinejinacor maybe it is better that you talk to him yourself as my friend
01.09.200920:18:58Alinejinacit just depends if he is having a good or a bad day because his moods change every so often
01.09.200920:20:00Alinejinache also told me that he hired me because of my looks ;)
01.09.200920:20:53Alinejinacare you there?
01.09.200920:21:48Alinejinacso what should I do?
01.09.200920:23:26AlinejinacI think with Robert it would be better if you met him in person
01.09.200920:25:02AlinejinacAlain are you there?
01.09.200920:28:33jinacAlinewait 10min. my parents
01.09.200920:49:27Alinejinachow are your parents?
01.09.200920:49:58Alinejinacthey came to visit you?
01.09.200920:50:31Alinejinacso where were we
01.09.200920:50:35jinacAlinewho's robert?
01.09.200920:50:41Alinejinacthe very rich boss
01.09.200920:50:51jinacAlinehow old is he?
01.09.200920:50:56Alinejinachis parents and grandparents had corporate housing busisness
01.09.200920:51:06Alinejinache is 38 0r 9
01.09.200920:52:12jinacAlinethe thing is that i have two options. I don't need much and i don't want much. So if i speak with him about 10.000 to 30.000, he wouldn't take me seriously. But this is what i need and not more.
01.09.200920:52:44jinacAlinebecause normally someone will come to speak about 100.000 or more, but this is not what i need
01.09.200920:53:16Alinejinacso speak to him of what you need
01.09.200920:53:50AlinejinacI can ask him tomorrow when he has time to meet with you
01.09.200920:53:51jinacAlinebut then he won't take me seriously, cause no investors need that kind of "low" money
01.09.200920:54:17jinacAlineso i'd need to come and ask 60.000 to make myself serious
01.09.200920:54:51jinacAlineif someone came to me a few months ago for 5000 euro, i wouldn't take him seriously as well
01.09.200920:55:08Alinejinacdo what you think is wise
01.09.200920:55:34AlinejinacI can tell him that my friend would like to meet with him
01.09.200920:55:42jinacAlinei know how people think. Go to the bank and ask for 100 euro, they won't give it to you. Ask them 50.000, they may consider it
01.09.200920:56:09jinacAlinewhen could he meet me?
01.09.200920:56:16AlinejinacI have to talk to him
01.09.200920:56:23jinacAlineis he in germany?
01.09.200920:56:27Alinejinacyes in Frankfurt
01.09.200920:56:41Alinejinacthis one - the non-Jewish boss
01.09.200920:56:50Alinejinacthe other is going to Russia
01.09.200920:56:57Alinejinacand comes back end of the month
01.09.200920:57:02Alinejinacthis Isaak
01.09.200920:57:21Alinejinacbut with him I think all decision making is with his daddy
01.09.200920:57:34jinacAlinethen i prefer to talk to robert
01.09.200920:57:39jinacAlinei need decision makers

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