Friday, February 22, 2013


[30.01.2010 14:52:56] Alain Horoit: ok
[30.01.2010 14:52:58] Alain Horoit: here
[30.01.2010 14:53:07] Alain Horoit: but talk when my roommate leaves the house
[30.01.2010 14:53:12] Aline: OK
[30.01.2010 14:53:19] Aline: did you talk to her?
[30.01.2010 14:53:43] Alain Horoit: more or less yes
[30.01.2010 14:53:49] Alain Horoit: will talk to her tomorrow
[30.01.2010 14:54:34] Alain Horoit: she knows that i am in a financial dip, but knows too my possible deals with Laurent Perrier and sponsors
[30.01.2010 14:55:00] Alain Horoit: yesteday, the vice president of JDC, replied to me and found EREV interesting.
[30.01.2010 14:55:07] Alain Horoit: he asked for more information
[30.01.2010 14:55:13] Aline: it was really a great event
[30.01.2010 14:55:34] Aline: you have talent
[30.01.2010 14:55:43] Alain Horoit: don't tell anything to Zevi.  Perhaps they are being sponsored by JDC as well and he wouldn't want me to be as well...
[30.01.2010 14:55:50] Aline: no no
[30.01.2010 14:56:00] Aline: he just told me
[30.01.2010 14:56:05] Aline: that he would call you
[30.01.2010 14:56:14] Alain Horoit: jDC is the biggest jewish sponsor organization
[30.01.2010 14:56:31] Alain Horoit: zevi gets from some organization 500.000€ sponsoring
[30.01.2010 14:56:39] Alain Horoit: i wish i could get that...
[30.01.2010 14:56:46] Aline: Zevi is religious
[30.01.2010 14:56:52] Aline: Hashem is helping him 
[30.01.2010 14:56:58] Aline: if you had kids
[30.01.2010 14:57:08] Aline: He would provide for you, too 
[30.01.2010 14:57:21] Alain Horoit: well, he never let me have kids so far...
[30.01.2010 14:57:24] Alain Horoit: He...
[30.01.2010 14:57:41] Aline: maybe it was His mistake
[30.01.2010 14:59:05] Aline: but you have to regain your self confidence
[30.01.2010 14:59:10] Alain Horoit: i found a good phrase
[30.01.2010 14:59:17] Aline: yes?
[30.01.2010 15:00:44] Alain Horoit: A good person don't change.  Everything around you does.
[30.01.2010 15:00:55] Aline: by the way what you had told me was wrong - that I like hard times.
[30.01.2010 15:01:12] Aline: when I met you - you were "covered with chocolate" as they say in russian
[30.01.2010 15:01:45] Aline: you had that car and you took me out - just refreshing your memory
[30.01.2010 15:03:12] Alain Horoit: i wonder why Hashem is giving me all opportunities to achieve things, but let me always in troubles.  One hour before the event, it could have cancelled.  I succeeded and got giant media coverage which I needed to show other people like JDC
[30.01.2010 15:03:59] Alain Horoit: now i don't do anything without sponsoring or investments by others first.  Even the Hotel is now willing to give me everything for free
[30.01.2010 15:04:56] Alain Horoit: but this week i'm in big shit
[30.01.2010 15:05:06] Alain Horoit: also marco stops and block everything
[30.01.2010 15:05:23] Aline: who is this Marco, you worked together before?
[30.01.2010 15:05:26] Aline: what does he do?
[30.01.2010 15:05:44] Alain Horoit: he was responsible for the company as i couldn't have it on my name
[30.01.2010 15:05:59] Aline: which one, start stop records?
[30.01.2010 15:06:00] Alain Horoit: the company is mine but he is gesheftfuhrer
[30.01.2010 15:06:12] Alain Horoit: no the new one deals entertainment
[30.01.2010 15:06:17] Aline: Geschaeftsfuehrer
[30.01.2010 15:06:32] Aline: so why does he block?
[30.01.2010 15:06:35] Aline: to spite you?
[30.01.2010 15:07:46] Alain Horoit: he wants out of it and wants to hold every money that gets in to pay anything that needs to be paid.  I told him that if he blocks every money, i wouldn't do anything anymore and he'll get in more troubles cause i know to negotiate with people
[30.01.2010 15:08:12] Aline: right
[30.01.2010 15:08:19] Aline: what is his profession?
[30.01.2010 15:08:25] Aline: does he do anything else?
[30.01.2010 15:08:42] Alain Horoit: he has a car wash and a newspaper shop, but both aren't working well now
[30.01.2010 15:08:48] Aline: I see
[30.01.2010 15:09:22] Aline: it should be in his interest to make it work
[30.01.2010 15:09:29] Aline: if he does not understand it...
[30.01.2010 15:09:50] Aline: did he tell you how much he took that night?
[30.01.2010 15:10:20] Alain Horoit: the problem, this week the latest i have to pay back some people that are friendly when you need them, but less friendly when you don't pay on time
[30.01.2010 15:10:52] Aline: did you try talking to Yves?
[30.01.2010 15:11:10] Aline: how much do you owe?
[30.01.2010 15:11:17] Aline: 20 000?
[30.01.2010 15:11:46] Alain Horoit: no, yves my brolter won't do anything.  If he could and wanted, he would have already called me cause he heard it from my parents how serious my situation is
[30.01.2010 15:12:05] Aline: he is waiting for you to call
[30.01.2010 15:12:17] Aline: he wants you to be the one asking
[30.01.2010 15:13:01] Alain Horoit: i need one sponsoring or closer, one deal with Laurent Perrier and everything could be fine again.  My unlucky business adventure last already now more than 9 months which is not that long, but now i'm facing dangerous people
[30.01.2010 15:13:52] Alain Horoit: he is not waiting for my call... if i'm calling i am weak and takes it the easy way.  if he is really willing to help, he would have called but he doesn't or can't obviously
[30.01.2010 15:14:09] Alain Horoit: last time i called... he didn't do anything either
[30.01.2010 15:14:22] Aline: last time was  along time ago
[30.01.2010 15:14:47] Aline: did your parents talk to him?
[30.01.2010 15:15:05] Alain Horoit: my brother is not an option now.  Perhaps later one day, but not now.  I don't even know if he has money or that his wife controls everything
[30.01.2010 15:15:49] Aline: what are we going to do...
[30.01.2010 15:16:08] Aline: do they know where your parents live?
[30.01.2010 15:16:54] Alain Horoit: they know where my brother lives and they could trace also where my parents live
[30.01.2010 15:18:00] Alain Horoit: i can flee, but they will get then my family, and that's not an amount where it's worth to flee or to destroy everything i builded up, especially now that i proved to be able to organize important events and that LP is about to give the money
[30.01.2010 15:18:51] Aline: It is very scary
[30.01.2010 15:19:00] Aline: does Marco know about it?
[30.01.2010 15:19:10] Aline: He let you down obviously
[30.01.2010 15:19:32] Alain Horoit: yes, he's not family after all
[30.01.2010 15:19:38] Alain Horoit: and his mother died yesterday
[30.01.2010 15:19:56] Aline: I see
[30.01.2010 15:20:21] Aline: but still he just stole from you
[30.01.2010 15:20:44] Alain Horoit: i have nothing to give in guarantee or any belonging which is mine to have a lent
[30.01.2010 15:21:27] Aline: and those people, who are they?
[30.01.2010 15:21:28] Aline: mafia?
[30.01.2010 15:21:37] Alain Horoit: no mafia
[30.01.2010 15:21:40] Aline: off
[30.01.2010 15:21:42] Alain Horoit: i don't deal with mafia
[30.01.2010 15:21:56] Aline: at leastb some good news 
[30.01.2010 15:22:01] Alain Horoit: but people that send people to get their money back
[30.01.2010 15:23:02] Alain Horoit: ok alina, i will try to rest a bit.  i'm tired of thinking how i will be able to settle things next week.  I have not much options anymore
[30.01.2010 15:23:26] Aline: Alain, I wish I could help
[30.01.2010 15:23:50] Aline: even if I could sell it would take too long
[30.01.2010 15:24:15] Aline: I am getting a few months rent now but it is not a sum you need
[30.01.2010 15:24:43] Aline: I can only pray God helps you and us
[30.01.2010 15:25:48] Aline: I can give you $ 1200 next week
[30.01.2010 15:25:52] Aline: this is all
[30.01.2010 15:26:48] Alain Horoit: touching you still behind me
[30.01.2010 15:27:06] Aline: you find me crazy I know
[30.01.2010 15:27:20] Aline: crazy to love you and ask nothing in return
[30.01.2010 15:27:46] Alain Horoit: in these times, i only learn what life is about
[30.01.2010 15:28:08] Alain Horoit: as i said, everything surrounding can change, but not the persons that you have around you
[30.01.2010 15:28:17] Aline: if your partner and your family is not behind you
[30.01.2010 15:28:21] Aline: life is not worth living
[30.01.2010 15:28:25] Aline: worth
[30.01.2010 15:28:47] Aline: and I will love you always, no matter in what times
[30.01.2010 15:29:04] Alain Horoit: unfortunately my parent haven't much.  They lost too much over the past year with a process that they lost
[30.01.2010 15:29:14] Aline: what process?
[30.01.2010 15:29:25] Aline: court?
[30.01.2010 15:29:27] Aline: court
[30.01.2010 15:31:28] Alain Horoit: the heritage of my grandma.  It belonged to my mum, but her semi-brother and sisters attacked her during 13 years.  We thought that they wouldn't make a chance as this is really a family issie where the state wouldn't really care... but with bad luckk, we lost it (due to a lawyer that didn't care less) and my parents had to pay it back with a huge interest of 13 years!!  It was almost 3 x the original capital...
[30.01.2010 15:32:04] Aline: oh God
[30.01.2010 15:32:43] Aline: a jiddishe mazl
[30.01.2010 15:32:58] Alain Horoit: i advised my mother not to pay it and let them proceed further!  And i said that if she had to go to jail for 2 months, so be it.  But my dear brother in Spain said it wasn't worth to take the chance.
[30.01.2010 15:33:16] Alain Horoit: I would have taken that chance and not paying
[30.01.2010 15:33:29] Alain Horoit: my mum sold her appartment for this
[30.01.2010 15:33:49] Aline: she would not have gone to jail
[30.01.2010 15:33:59] Alain Horoit: otherwise she could have easily put her appartment in garantie and get a loan from the bank
[30.01.2010 15:34:01] Aline: it is not a criminal trial
[30.01.2010 15:34:12] Alain Horoit: correct, it wasn't criminal
[30.01.2010 15:34:22] Alain Horoit: but they listened to my brother
[30.01.2010 15:34:47] Alain Horoit: they thought that i just didn't care.  but the other party, believe me, they laughed at us when we paid!
[30.01.2010 15:35:14] Aline: so your grandma was married twice and your mother is from her first marriage?
[30.01.2010 15:36:29] Alain Horoit: no my mother is from her last husband and all the money were also made with that last husband, that's why my mother was morally in right to say that it was her money, as no one from the other family even cared about my grandma, except for the heritage
[30.01.2010 15:37:24] Alain Horoit: you know that i learned that money is nothing.  G-D gave and took it back and He will give me back again, at the time that He'll judge that i will be totally ready for it
[30.01.2010 15:37:50] Aline: money is just means for other things
[30.01.2010 15:37:58] Alain Horoit: but this week i will face some the hardest time of my life if He doesn't give me...
[30.01.2010 15:38:36] Aline: I can only pray
[30.01.2010 15:39:14] Aline: I am asking ha Kadosh Baruh Hu to help you
[30.01.2010 15:39:52] Aline: the times are hard now for many people
[30.01.2010 15:40:20] Aline: maybe He is showing which things are important
[30.01.2010 15:40:27] Aline: but right now I am powerless
[30.01.2010 15:40:51] Aline: I am paying off debts that I made and I barely have enough for food
[30.01.2010 15:41:00] Alain Horoit: i know
[30.01.2010 15:41:08] Alain Horoit: i am thankfull for this
[30.01.2010 15:41:09] Aline: and selling the apartment could last long
[30.01.2010 15:41:25] Alain Horoit: who's talking about selling!!!
[30.01.2010 15:41:26] Alain Horoit: ?
[30.01.2010 15:41:38] Aline: I would do that for my husband
[30.01.2010 15:41:45] Alain Horoit: for 20.000 no need to sell an apprtment
[30.01.2010 15:42:19] Aline: I don;t even know exactly how much it is worth
[30.01.2010 15:42:31] Aline: it was $ 400 000 before the crisis
[30.01.2010 15:42:41] Aline: now it is probbaly $ 100 000
[30.01.2010 15:42:45] Aline: no idea
[30.01.2010 15:43:02] Alain Horoit: what appartment are u talking about?
[30.01.2010 15:43:07] Aline: mine
[30.01.2010 15:43:16] Aline: not in germany
[30.01.2010 15:43:17] Alain Horoit: in germany?
[30.01.2010 15:43:23] Aline: no, nothing in Germany
[30.01.2010 15:43:47] Aline: in Germany my mother and sister are living from state aid
[30.01.2010 15:44:00] Aline: we can have nothing in Germany and EU
[30.01.2010 15:44:23] Aline: my mother is getting from the state for her stay at the bejt avot
[30.01.2010 15:44:30] Aline: around 3000
[30.01.2010 15:44:39] Aline: they would make me sell everything and pay it
[30.01.2010 15:44:50] Alain Horoit: oh ok
[30.01.2010 15:45:07] Aline: my sister is registered as a single mother
[30.01.2010 15:45:26] Aline: because her partner does not want to be responsible for his son
[30.01.2010 15:45:34] Aline: but it is another story
[30.01.2010 15:45:52] Aline: and my father never helped me or my sister - only his new family
[30.01.2010 15:46:06] Aline: not that he is a Rockefeller either
[30.01.2010 15:46:12] Alain Horoit: i know
[30.01.2010 15:47:25] Aline: wherever you go, I 'll go with you
[30.01.2010 15:47:35] Aline: hope it won't be Mongolia
[30.01.2010 15:47:42] Aline: we have our heads
[30.01.2010 15:47:47] Aline: we have our hands
[30.01.2010 15:48:04] Alain Horoit: at the moment i have to think of settling a few things not to harm my family.  i can't leave
[30.01.2010 15:48:04] Aline: we have our immoirtal souls
[30.01.2010 15:48:25] Alain Horoit: good that i'm not in diamonds
[30.01.2010 15:48:32] Aline: why?
[30.01.2010 15:48:44] Aline: in chocolate would be better
[30.01.2010 15:48:44] Alain Horoit: there, if you lose money, it's in the hundred thousands
[30.01.2010 15:49:14] Aline: I believe in you
[30.01.2010 15:49:16] Alain Horoit: if they win, alos in hundred thousands...
[30.01.2010 15:49:20] Aline: yes
[30.01.2010 15:49:50] Aline: so for now we are not driving a Bentley 
[30.01.2010 15:50:04] Alain Horoit: you know i'm thinking every possible option, but can't find
[30.01.2010 15:50:12] Aline: I know
[30.01.2010 15:50:25] Aline: I am wringing my hands I can't help
[30.01.2010 15:51:09] Aline: I wish I could at least do something for you
[30.01.2010 15:52:14] Aline: at least don't ask me to leave you in bad times
[30.01.2010 15:52:15] Alain Horoit: do u still trust me?
[30.01.2010 15:52:28] Aline: I will stand by you until my last breath
[30.01.2010 15:53:15] Aline: but hey - if you don't pay ME back - it is even worse
[30.01.2010 15:53:26] Aline: I would expect you as a decent man to marry
[30.01.2010 15:53:37] Alain Horoit: what if we go get a loan there (without naming it here)?  they shouldn't make a huge problem for 5000 or 10.000 or whatever?
[30.01.2010 15:53:43] Aline: and it should scare you more than mafia
[30.01.2010 15:54:13] Aline: you cannot write it?
[30.01.2010 15:54:31] Aline: I will do whatever I can for you
[30.01.2010 15:54:38] Aline: if I am not dying

[30.01.2010 15:55:00] Alain Horoit: i cherish your words
[30.01.2010 15:55:08] Aline: I have the appointment on feb 8th
[30.01.2010 15:55:09] Alain Horoit: good to know i'm not alone
[30.01.2010 15:55:15] Aline: no baby you are not alone
[30.01.2010 15:55:28] Alain Horoit: what appointment?
[30.01.2010 15:55:35] Aline: with the Uni Klinik
[30.01.2010 15:55:43] Aline: where they should try to find out
[30.01.2010 15:55:57] Aline: what is the shit that is running
[30.01.2010 15:56:23] Aline: I am not thinking of it right now
[30.01.2010 15:56:44] Aline: we are there for each other
[30.01.2010 15:56:48] Aline: as u said
[30.01.2010 15:56:53] Aline: 2 brave hearts 
[30.01.2010 15:57:22] Aline: i know I am stupid - but I am very old fashioned
[30.01.2010 15:57:26] Aline: as it seems
[30.01.2010 15:58:29] Aline: but if I do this - I have one condition
[30.01.2010 15:59:01] Alain Horoit: no conditions alina
[30.01.2010 15:59:15] Aline: OK, no conditions
[30.01.2010 15:59:52] Alain Horoit: the best way is the way it should happen, no conditions
[30.01.2010 16:00:07] Aline: you don't know what I was going to say
[30.01.2010 16:00:18] Aline: but it does not matter
[30.01.2010 16:02:37] Alain Horoit: if you have something on your name, then you can have a loan, even if we have to go there.  My purpose now is to get sponsored and wait till the money comes, and am ready now to find a job to wait untill these moments come.  So i could always pay back.  I feel an immense relief and certainty that the work I did and what i achieved will turn out to be beneficiary as firms trust my abilities.
[30.01.2010 16:03:07] Alain Horoit: i am not investing anymore
[30.01.2010 16:03:25] Alain Horoit: think of it
[30.01.2010 16:03:31] Alain Horoit: don't let me know now
[30.01.2010 16:03:36] Aline: OK

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