Wednesday, February 29, 2012

“Indifference, to me, is the epitome of evil.” By Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize Laureate.

Elie Wiesel teaches us: "I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
“Indifference, to me, is the epitome of evil.”

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. "
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

FACEBOOK Pages by Alain Horoit please BEWARE


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Your Payment terms will be respected original mail 26.8.2011

От кого: Shalom From Hatikvah 
Кому: Дата: 26 августа 2011, 16:11
Тема: RE: Re[2]: reminder
your payment terms will be respected.
it's all on paper signed by myself on behalf of the company so, no worries about --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Re[2]: reminder
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 16:04:35 +0400
The employees are getting paid when, september? Are you getting paid as well September? Or will there again be delays and stories?
25 августа 2011, 19:48 от Shalom From Hatikvah :
consider the letter of termination done at date of monday this week. delay is caused because of all the contracts now to be done at the same time i am leaving now for a few months and arrange all the things to do as said, consider it done. it will be with you tomorrow before evening! once you have this letter, all is settled

id=100001485412115&ref=ts NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!!! Like Non-Profit Organization Basic Information Founded About Website: Founder: Mr Never Give Up. *** Join me on FB *** Company Overview There is a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who always will, and who won't anymore. And all the people from your past, there's a reason they didn't make it to your future... **** -------------- The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons...See More General Information Correction does much. Encouragement does more. Mission Success is based upon Failures! Failure is an event, not a person. *** Don't pray to stop your problems. Pray for tools to solve them. *** EVERYTHING HAS A REASON! Products Motivational speaker Website Likes and Interests Likes Dear Past, Thank You For All The Lessons; Dear Future, I Am Ready, BAD decisions make GREAT stories., Bad Decisions = Great Stories, philosophy, Don't give up on God because he never gave up on you..:), Dale Carnegie, Dalai Lama, TED, Oprah Winfrey, Breakthrough with Tony Robbins, Louise L. Hay, Hay House Radio, Hay House, Heal Your Life

Monday, February 27, 2012


we are not going to argue on this level - yes, the page technically speaking was to be closed down for fraud. But by you reaction I start to suspect that the ones with personal gain were you or the admin friends. So the fact that a pro Israeli page was created and run by a con artist with history of participating in porn productions and substance abuse does not bother you? You realize of course Miriam could not leave other admins because they would have added Horoit who would immediately delete her. That a page is a trash now is a matter of taste - up to its members to judge, not for you to say. If you support a thief who parasytes on women and built a page in order to scam people using admins' voluntary work - I ask myself who is worse. I cannot believe the admins were unaware of the scam being perpetrated, the advertisement for the book was run every day many times. At the latest when people started to complain they were to notice and take action - just like Miriam did when she saw Horoit rudely telling people they had no literary taste and deleting them. This did not bother you? The admin friends have their ambitions - this is the point - no one forbids anyone to publish on Hatikvah - your comments are not being deleted either - as opposed to Horoit who deletes anyone disagreeing with him. But those admins want to be in charge at any price - even when appointed by a fraud. They are supporting a scam by a pro israeli page and are worse than thieves because for the sake of their ambitions they were condoning a despicable scammer and thief that Alain Horoit is. Busha!


ALAIN HOROIT ALSO OWES MONEY TO MAMMA MIA restaurant and HILTON ANTWERPEN ORIGINAL MESSAGE - NAME NOT PUBLISHED От кого: "Facebook" Кому: Alina Polyak dear NAME DELETED let me know to which email I should send you the company address. I hope it can help you get your money back 27 февраля 2012, 19:37 New message from NAME DELETED NAME DELETED 4:07pm Feb 27 Hi, i gave evrything to my lawyer so that he can give it to Hilton. I don't want to lose more money because of him and i want him out of my head my mailadres is DELETED the chance is small that i will ever get my money back. Alain have nothing, he's a loser, a cheater, a lyer etc. I wish i never met him . GRRRR :-) Conversation History Alina Polyak 11:34pm Jan 14

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pro-Israel Con Artist Alain Horoit

Pro-Israel Con Artist Banned From Own Organization

By: Emily K. Schrader

  Pro-Israel activists have expressed outrage over a con artist who created the facebook page Hatikvah. The group was apparently established to encourage fellow activists and keep them up-to-date on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but instead, page creator Alain Horoit , a European from Antwerp has used the group to make hundreds of dollars off activists.

  According to a former co-worker who was unaware of his scams at the time, Horoit, who also runs the facebook page “Mr. Never Give Up,” garnered a following of more than 27,000 people on the Hatikvah page and then began advertising for a book written by the organization called “Everything About the History of the Palestinians.”

  Although many trusted that the book was legitimate because it was listed on Amazon and priced appropriately at twenty dollars, buyers were furious upon receiving their copy because the “history” was 300 blank pages. Although some saw this as a funny joke because the Palestinians are an “invented people”, most didn’t find wasting twenty dollars on 300 sheets of paper as amusing.

  The current manager of the Facebook page, Miriam Young, who does social media for many Israel advocacy organizations and works for StandWithUs, is the individual who broke the story. After working with Horoit for only a short time (and for no pay), Young quickly realized something wasn’t right and Horoit was indeed a scam artist.

  Young explained the problem she had with simply leaving the organization and refusing to work with Horoit in the future: “While his name was nowhere on the page, mine was everywhere…he required me to sign our posts. He could write anything and make it look like it was from me. He could even blame the whole book on someone else, as the only author listed was 'Hatikvah'."

Miriam Young

  Young ultimately was left with a choice between allowing her name to be entangled in a scam and assist in alienating 27,000 supporters of Israel, or ban Horoit and other page managers from the page in an attempt to rebuild it. Young opted for the later.

  Since Horoit had been receiving royalties from the book and was, “spamming multiple times a day asking people to buy his book,” he was quite displeased by being kicked out of his own organization, along with others that were in on the scam. However, none of this seems to phase Young who stated that, “They're upset about money but I'm upset about morality.”

  Young stated it was important to save the page because, “These 27,000 people followed our pro-Israel news and trusted it enough to buy our offered product…and this left them very unhappy, discouraging them from further support and advocacy.” 

  In a time when Israel is waging an uphill battle against haters of Israel and has looming threats on the horizon such as Iran, Israel activists don’t have to worry about con artists like Horoit thanks to Young. Kol HaKavod to Miss Young for her bravery in confronting and exposing a scandal.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends
GWIFA: Initially we didn't know who was behind this "book scam", but now it's been clarified and we're happy to keep on referring people over to the "Hatikvah" page on Facebook.

Quote from the article ...
Pro-Israel activists have expressed outrage over a con artist who created the facebook page Hatikvah. The group was apparently established to encourage fellow activists and keep them up-to-date on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but instead, page creator Alain Horoit , a European from Antwerp has used the group to make hundreds of dollars off activists.

According to a former co-worker who was unaware of his scams at the time, Horoit, who also runs the facebook page “Mr. Never Give Up,” garnered a following of more than 27,000 people on the Hatikvah page and then began advertising for a book written by the organization called “Everything About the History of the Palestinians.”

Although many trusted that the book was legitimate because it was listed on Amazon and priced appropriately at twenty dollars, buyers were furious upon receiving their copy because the “history” was 300 blank pages. Although some saw this as a funny joke because the Palestinians are an “invented people”, most didn’t find wasting twenty dollars on 300 sheets of paper as amusing.Pro-Israel Con Artist Banned From Own Organization
Pro-Israel Con Artist Banned From Own Organization By: Emily K. Schrader Pro-Israel activists have expressed outrage over a con artist who created the facebook page Hatikvah. Th... Michal Dar-El The only way that Evil can continue is when people don't speak up and don't resist it. Abe Gill I am also disgusted by this scam. In the other had please do not confuse this with legitimate (registered) Non Profit Organization who need everyone's support. Just because you were taken in by Scam Artists do not give up on the tremendous good deeds associated with needing charities and Non profit Org. Josette Briffa I agree wholeheartedly Abe. Luke William Martin Thanks for posting Josette Josette Briffa Well, at least from the comments above, we now are 100% sure that Mr Never Give up is also Mr Never to Be Trusted!

Saturday, February 25, 2012



Seeking help is not a sign of cowardness.

It is courage that allows people to admit that some situations are not meant to be handled alone.

If you never gave up and want to share your story with me, feel free to send to PLEASE REPORT THE SCAMMER'S PROFILE

Friday, February 24, 2012


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: lawyer
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 10:33:19 +0000
From: Shalom From Hatikvah <>
To: <>

The lawyer doesn't have the copies.  Both original copies were sent to me upon which I had to send one of the copies to the bank.  Sp I have still one originally copy.  Please do not act without my knowledge.  If there is anything, let me know first.  There's nothing that I make behind your back as we are still on the same side.  In the case that you want to exit tomorrow, we can arrange that.  The thing is that if you leave the company before business starts, we have to replace you which will take again some administration efforts.  I will have to go with that person back to the lawyer etc.  But as we encountered already so much deay, I wouldn't die if there's 2 weeks delay more because of your earlier exit.  Let me know if you can wait since that the company is operational and active upon which money will be aid, or that you must exist the company by tomorrow or next week.  Then I will urge to be done whatever the delay can take.  It's your choice, but don't act liberately without telling me first.

Chak sameach.
The lights of Channukah are always light and hope in darker moments


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Serge Horoit
I wish you a good evening , I'm going to prepare my meal for tomorow, I wish you all the best in the world with big love and thanks helping my brother.

November 23, 2011
Alina Polyak
hi Serge, maybe I can ask you of a favour, if you speak to Alain could you ask him about the money he owes me? He promised to give back said he sent but it never reached me. I need to pay for my mother's gravestone I am really desperate and have no one who can help me - I don"t know what to do that is why I am turning to you for help


November 24, 2011
Serge Horoit
Hi Alina , I write to him only true facebook , I'LL passe the message to him , but more I cannot do , sorry to hear that.

After I asked them to talk to their brother - his brother and sister "unfriended" me on facebook

his sister Nadine Horoit and father Julien Horoit did not even bother to answer my cry for help


And when we are feeling alone we're more vulnerable. That's when we are making mistakes and becoming viktims of scammers. These beasts can read us,find our weak point and do whatever they want with us. Like hunting animals after a prade. But more dangerous. I can't judge u,as a matter a fact I admire u for ur courage. These scammers keep on existing because of silence of the victims. I'm sorry it happened to a lady like u. But these are professional ppl in scamming,so don't feel ashamed or stupid. I wish the other victims were like u,strong and fighting.


Yes, because victims are silent the evil continues. We must stop the evil - that is our purpose in this world...

Pamela wrote: "Alina i think you are an amazing woman ,and its such a disgrace how this pathetic liar and manipulative man has caught you and many more in his web,and how he tries to come clean with his reverse psychology theories by becoming some sort of guru mr never never give up.BUSHA"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Another girl who has been used and abused by Alain Horoit turned to me yesterday. She is so traumatized she could not talk about it before. He took from her less money but the moral damage is tremendous. She told me she is in difficult time now.
That is why I ask everyone to be aware and spread the word - to prevent more victims, this man is a professional manipulator who thrives on most vulnerable and on peoples goodness - like love for Israel.

Please spread the word HELP PREVENT MORE VICTIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I promise - God will punish him for what he did to us...

Monday, February 20, 2012

asking Alain Horoit to give the NAME of the company - I HAD NO information whatsoever

2.11.10 I am asking Alain Horoit to give the NAME of the company - I HAD NO information whatsoever

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Aline <>
Кому: Shalom From Hatikvah <
Дата: 12 ноября 2010, 19:55
Тема: shabbat shalom and name of company
hi Alain,
shabbat shalom,
I have a question for my understanding,
may I ask you what is the name of our company?
It is going to stock exchange in Milan, correct?
And the codes were needed to buy and sell electricity?
Thank you so much, hope you don't mind my asking.

If you are asking how come? - I signed the paper for him when he led me to believe I was his girlfriend, and after I signed - I lost control - every time I asked him questions or asked to show me company information he said yes and never kept his promises.

"Earning money while giving goodness is absolutely a dream." original mail from 23.11.2010

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Shalom From Hatikvah <>
Кому: <>
Дата: 23 ноября 2010, 16:27

Hi Alina,

About tikun ect.
Of course I believe in tikun.  That's our main purpose of why we are here on earth.
But although I am making tikunim, I think that I am also used as an instrument to make tikun for others things that happened, not only by myself but also by my family or anyone dearly connected.  Why shoudl I endure or being tested so much if I really didn't do much wrong in my early years of business. I am asking myself also the question why did G-D always had to give me the chance to reach big things and in the end let me lose it again.  That happened so many times.  I was always the best in what I did but never maintained it and always moving on.  It was that way with the music, then the record company, then the tuning word, then the jumpstyle word, then the party's, then the discotheque... and now Albert, and also on Facebook where I am better than others in achieving things.  Because for the same price, G-D could have stoped me much earlier, not giving me any opportunity to grow and raech any level of success.
So yes I am making tikun, but for who and for what, I don't know.
If G-D is planning with the person I can become now, then I believe that He is a genius.  I truly hope so.
Because when it succeeds with Albert, and I can grow in Mr Never Give Up which is a very inspiring and educational job where I can earn money  by helping people and being respected, i will really follow my own quote that I wrote " Don't follow the trail of money but let money follow the trail of your success"
I am investing in myself and not more in others like I did at that time with Dj's, music producers etc.
Also with hatikvah and the launching of charity movies in helping children of Israel why earning something on it will be very rewarding.  Earning money while giving goodness is absolutely a dream.
So I am continuing what I am doing now, never stop, never stop dreaming and hopefully everything will come to a good end.


Saturday, February 18, 2012



Shalom From Hatikvah
Feb 12

Hi Miriam,
I think you are overreacting or too ambitious.
Taking away a page, even if you disagree with some posts, is completely unjustified.
The book was published with the suport of Anabela and you supported the idea as well.
I have entrusted you as admin.
If you have to steal a page to serve your purpose is wrong.
I hope you take the right decision and return the page to me as original founder.


Friday, February 17, 2012


original message from Alain Horoit to Miriam Young

An obsessive and sick person is again cyberstalking the admin of Hatikvah and Mr Never Give Up which is me.
Please check with Anabela. I have already sent her all the details of that new attack.
Don't reply, just delete her immediately if she tries to post on Hatikvah or on your pages.
You don't need to see the truth to see the facts. And the facts don't lie. She has more than 100 of my pictures on her profile. She is mental sick and irrational.


In fact he ASKED me to take pictures of him so he could choose a good one for his profile. He said

I made a better picture than a professional so he chose it for his Mr Never Give Up profile and

page. So it was HIS idea, not mine!!                                                                       


pay attention - "again" , "new attack"- so it must have been not the first time someonw writes the truth about him...

"They expect you to be a busy man" (Mr Never Give Up shows in the US) original mail 29.4.2011

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение -------- От кого: Shalom From Hatikvah Кому: Дата: 29 апреля 2011, 10:25 Тема: I talked to Albert. He is always keen to explain me with every detail of what is going on and does in a credible manner. He also answers me every question I have. He has send me communication mails between them and the electricity supplier to show that they are working on it and of course he immediately send me also a bank statement as proof that no serious money transfer was being made. I take a position like I want to know everything but doesn't really count on it so that he know that I am not fully dependent from it and that I moved on with my business. But still, he seems confident and said that most probably, this month may be the last month that they will pay my costs because next month they may commence to pay me the amount as agreed in the beginning. And it's true, as long as no commercial transfers are being made through the main bank account, nothing is being done behind our back. I am back. And leaving tuesday again. As 2 shows were canceled, I chosed to fly back. In the US you need to take an attitude. You can't stay there for 8 days waiting. They expect you to be a busy man. That's s what I did. It was a 26 hours trip because I had to wait 7 hours in madrid before my connecting flight back.

Alain Horoit's INTERPRETATION OF GRATITUDE original mail June 2011

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Shalom From Hatikvah <>
Кому: <>
Дата: 14 июня 2011, 17:49
Тема: RE: your mail

you are jewish... we are used to translate words in its right meaning.

ANYONE ELSE means in this case family. 

I would not compare you with "Anyone else" for all the reasons you described.  

If I was comparing you with Anyone else, yes then I would have be very unthankful.
BUT because I have always remind you in my earlier mails that I was thankful
your interpretation was wrong to think that way

oh, i hope that learning mishna doesn't drive me complete crazy... :-)

Tue, 14 Jun 2011 06:33:53 +0000 письмо от Shalom From Hatikvah <>:

Hi Alina,
I hope you are well.Regarding the docs, will send them today or tomorrow and give you a call after sending them.
I am waiting monies today or tomorrow and will send you by WU.
As I told you, the last 2 weeks I have demanded that concrete steps must be taken, not only explanations but also deeds.

My honest guest is that they didn't expect the company to reach so far into being approved by all instances 
or needed more time to attract clients.
I am convinced they don't want us any harm.  This wouldn't make sense.  If you want to cause harm to 2 jewish people
at least pay them too.  So it doesn't make sense.
What does make sense is that they have mistaken on some issues, which indeed can happen, but which they do not want to admit.  This will make them look like liars because they always said that the clients were ready...and I think that the clients weren't ready at all.

I don't see any other reason.  If they had other intentions, they would have acted differently and would have proceeded differently.

So in a nutshell, I believe that they want it to be a success and are still working to build the database of clients.
That's why they have decided to take an office in Milan with two employees coming from this market.  I think they reckon on these two employees to be their force on the ground, trying to attract some clients.  Although he still confirm that they have clients on their own, i believe he doesn't.  That's the whole delay, i think.  I also think that Albert himself is trying to convince his partners not to take the plugger out and let the company a chance to succeed because he gives me the feeling that they truly didn't expect the company to pass all the requirements and applications to become registered as the way it is now. And they don't want to lose this opportunity.

So I am now fixing the office and two employees.  I will meet the employees next week.  
It seems to be people from the industry introduced by people in the market.  

I don't care if this office is now the cause of further delay, as long as I see progress on the field and as long as I see that they invest in the company, I have the feeling that something is getting closer to finally get it started.
The office is in a tower not far from the station.

BUT, I have also insisted that the company remains registered at the Lawyers office.  This is our guarantee that nothing can go wrong till then.  Because it's impossible that the Lawyer will authorize any wrong doing when the company is registered at their address!!  This is unthinkable.  If something wasn't kosher, the Lawyer would have already been alerted.

As told you before, the company isn't anything else than for me to be able to settle the debts and more with you
so that we both can benefit from it.


Alain Horoit1 juin 2010, à 13:29
(no subject)
alina, i know what you did and do for me. this is beyond discussion. but don´t do this to yourself by torturing you every day by asking questions and willing answers about relationship. i´m not into that now. first comes first, first i need to get back on track.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


THE ORIGINAL PLAN "Ophrah will contact me" Sept 2010 original facebook message

Mr Never Give Up -good brand, great marketing idea -

it is not his purpose to help people. The goal is to make self promotion.

Alain Horoit6 septembre 2010, à 00:58
ah ok. I'm here, all is ok. Hatikvah is still mine but I took some more admins to place more news. I saw that members are growing this way and I don't have to be the whole day vusy with that. Some people noticed that it wasn't really me, but I can't be everywhere. Never Give Up is me alone. The second video will be released I think tomorrow. Indeed Mr Never Give Up is a good brand and I think a great marketing idea. I receive a lot of mail of people thanking me and saying that I do have a great impact on their lives, some saying that I saved their lives... and I got also a mail from an American based investment broker interested in the project without that I haven't done any move. I'm sure something will come out of it as Mr Never Give is right what people need nowadays. I hope in 3 weeks my website of Mr Never Give Up will be done in order for people to register freely, but if they do want to get part of discussions, they will have to pay a little monthly fee and if they want Mr Never Give Up to answer their questions and help them out, another monthly fee will be required. The first video was already watched 21.000 x so far and the second one comes. I'm sure that after 5 parts, Ophrah will contact me... :-)
This gives me distraction and the believe that in some moments of difficulties new opportunities arises. Regadring Albert is still ongoing. I can understand that month august wasn't a good month to get things done as everyone went on holidays. So september must be. If not in september, then I wouldn't believe in it myself anymore. But I can't believe that they invested all that money for nothing. So I am confident that it will be good. I am impatient myself, but for the first time I need to learn to stay cool and to wait. Also this waiting time offered me to create other things which I wouldn't have in others ways. I don't compare myself with Kabbala mentors, but the Kabbala mentors studied and improved themselves while they were hiding in little caves for years. It's not in their glorious times that they improved themselves...
Voila, that's more it. I don't have much contact with much anyone. I haven't spoken to my sister for months, except some chattings once in a while. As sais, I am overcoming these last weeks alone and am not in contact with whatsoever. I am occuppied with my things and keep myself strong. I am not living bad moments, as I take priorities in life more seriously than before.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

THE RIPPLE EFFECT - how a journalist Kathryn Cloward got duped by a fake

I wonder how come a journalist did not even bother to ask for the real name and run it through google... Is it because he looks handsome and talks smoothly?

Pay attention where he says: "A regular, steady job is not for me..." -

this is your kind of wisdom, Kathryn? Ripping off people because not wanting to work?

I think people on Hatikvah created the REAL ripple effect - seeking justice as the Torah teaches us:

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.

Psalm 34:14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Never Give Up with Mr. Never Give Up

December 8, 2011
Hosted by Kathryn Cloward
[Download MP3] [itunes] [Bookmark Episode]
Join Kathryn as she talks with the globally influential man of inspiration, Mr. Never Give Up. From international speaking engagements and coaching clients, to creating thought provoking quotes and developing a welcoming social media community, Mr. Give Up is transforming lives everyday. It is often said that the best teachers are those who have experienced what they teach, and Mr. Never Give Up shares wisdom gained from personal experience. “Mr. Never Give Up” was born when he lost practically everything that he had worked so hard to build over a 20 year period, including a group of companies, directing 56 employees. In a short period of time, it was all gone. It was during the season of his life where he was rebuilding that he experienced tremendous transformation. If you are looking to learn from someone who knows what it feels like to experience “failure” and get back up to rebuild a purposeful life, this is a show you won’t want to miss.

Recently you visited, the world leader in live internet talk radio broadcasting, Please feel free to contact me via email, or call me directly at 480-294-6419.

Jon E. Missall


Item Under Review
While this item is available from other marketplace sellers on this page, it is not currently offered by because customers have told us there may be something wrong with our inventory of the item, the way we are shipping it, or the way it's described here. (Thanks for the tip!)
We're working to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Everything About the History of the Palestinians (Paperback)
i ordered this book because i am a student of israel and the history of the middle east. the book just arrived and when i opened it, the contents were COMPLETELY BLANK. yes folks, blank pages!!! then i got was a joke because apparently since the palestnians are an invented people there is no history, hence the BLANK PAGES!!! this book was misrepresented. it should have been clearly disclosed that this was a joke book with no content. WHAT A SCAM!!!
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Everything About the History of the Palestinians (Paperback)
i ordered this book because i am a student of israel and the history of the middle east. the book just arrived and when i opened it, the contents were COMPLETELY BLANK. yes folks, blank pages!!! then i got was a joke because apparently since the palestnians are an invented people there is no history, hence the BLANK PAGES!!! this book was misrepresented. it should have been clearly disclosed that this was a joke book with no content. WHAT A SCAM!!!
Posted on Feb 10, 2012 7:35:03 PM PST
NV says:
Definitely a scam, my copy had all blank pages. Sent my copy back to amazon for a full refund.

Martin wrote: "Yes saw....He will have a few thousand unsold copies....which he can use as loo role...sadly someone else will lose Money as a result of his thiefing....but a real VICTORY for us and for Israel!!! Well done everyone....shows you just what we can do without actually knowing each other!!!"

Laura Nouril (friends with Eliyokim Cohen) commented on your link.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Geert Wilders' opinion

Miriam Young If you question my intentions, read the words on this photo​photo.php?fbid=269212593144​203&set=a.236311819767614.​53258.236307186434744&type​=3&theater

Miriam Young I would never scam or hurt anyone, I promote Israel on facebook because I believe in standing up for the truth. When I realized what was happening right in front of my face, I looked at my options and did the only moral thing I could.

Yes, there are a few people furious with me... But better that than many people cheated out of their money and questioning their support for pro-Israel organizations.

Geert Wilders Sidebar Yes, indeed ... Miriam ... I can imagine that there are a few people mad at you - but we're not one of them ... :-)

It was the right thing to do, in order to get rid of the evil stain of that scammer being on that Facebook page and promoting that scam. And we realize that it's that same person who originally created that page, but given what has been shown about that person, the page was created (by him) under "false pretenses" ... obviously.

Alina Polyak also commented on her link.
Alina wrote: "- it is a provocation what Alain did - typical of him, thinking people are idiots. Even as a right wing Jew who supports settlers etc I think it is bad taste to say the least - plus it is done as Nate Young correctly pointed out for his personal gain. That is why I put my personal life for public observation - which was really hard by the way - to alert people! I consulted rabbis and they told me it is my duty so that further damage can be prevented. All his other victims keep silent - that is why he never gives up to never give back"

Alain Horoit as Colher de Pau and Mario Thomas praising the "book"

We apologize that this book was being promoted here.

This is not a history book but a joke that tried to make a point. It's an empty book, symbolizing the lack of 'History of the Palestinians.' People felt cheated after paying 20 dollars and receiving a blank book.

When we realized this page was being used to promote a scam, we took action, removing those responsible and returning, more dedicated than ever, to our mission of supporting and educating about Israel.

Thank you for supporting Israel.Everything About the History of the Palestinians
Everything About the History of the Palestinians: Hatikvah: Books

Nicole Blessed Kind of funny though...

Hatikvah Funny for those of us who didn't spend money on it.... But Hatikvah is not here to trick anyone, we are dedicated to supporting Israel and the Jewish people.

Sally Sacca But it says Hatikva there. You should be very careful and find out more about anyone using your name

Sally Sacca I thought your organization had prepared the book, I thought what a great provide the facts to people who have no idea that the arabs created the term

Alina Polyak the book was made by Alain Horoit - the creator of this page who later was replaced by other admins and who used it to scam supporters of Israel.


style a bit different from Mr Never Give Up, n'est pas?

Colher de Pau ‎@ Nicole: not only kind of funny, the idea is now new but it is an hell of idea; those with their egos broken, hearts included, little minds and the ones taking advantage pod what is was once a well of of group.... fail to see that Amazon would not pose for what little minds call a scam... little do they know; and so little is the knowledge, the culture, so big is the pain... that selfishness let's the keep posting stuff like 'the book is a scam'; the book is just f*cking brilliant! sorry you do not have the knowledge, the culture but hey! you do kind of have more or less the looks Alina.... don't you get tired of being do bitter? of bringing your love / sex life to a public arena? how boring and frustrating could you actually be? by doing what you are doing, you have alienated a group i=of amazing admins to this page... do you ever stop and think about it or it's just you and your ego going: like 'so glad I found a kid I could persuade to delete all the admins and name me as one through another FB account... she is happy cause she got a FB page with a bit more than 26 thousand members; naive and stupid enough not to question and just delete everybody while I continue with my ultimate cause: 'guys: I am a victim and do feel sorry for me'... guys will do.... I do feel so sorry for you Alina; first because you were fooled by a guy you loved, second, because you are being fooled by a teenager; 3rd: because you will never ever ever have the group of admins Hatikvah had; giving endless hours for free to the group; Do rejoice in your own insignificance thinking your cause -giving money to someone by your own free will and becoming a victim because you are no longer desirable.... - is the best of them all. the only people agreeing with you is because they do not sympathize with you... it's because, and I do say this with an enormous regret, you have big boobs.... grow up! you did alienate all the admins but guess what? try to keep the 27 K members... with knowledge; with culture; with intelligence.... you and the kid you stole the page.... you are pathetic, know nothing about the book, and absurd. do feel free to delete me.... it wouldn't be the first time. enough is enough!!!! and.... who gave you the right to judge? the book is a scam and you are an expert in the literary world??? grow up! you are a f*cking joke... bad taste included!
23 hours ago · Like

Alina Polyak even though I have nothing to do with overtaking this page I think Hatikvah should leave this comment just to show your level of culture, Alain.

Alina Polyak​Everything-About-History-Pa​lestinians-Hatikvah/​product-reviews/1467883212/​ref=cm_cr_dp_all_summary?ie​=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sor​tBy=bySubmissionDateDescen​ Customer Reviews: Everything About the History of the Palestinians
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Alina Polyak​GW.IFA/posts/​131592183629960

Alina Polyak Geert Wilders IFA Friends
GWIFA: Here's how a SCAMMER LIES about his scam - even after he is caught. A scammer who is has NO REGRETS at ILLEGITIMATELY TAKING THE MONEY of supporters of Israel - in order to (supposedly) "expose the lies of the Palestinians".

This is such an UP-SIDE-DOWN REASON ... that I would suspect someone like that of actually being an ISLAMIST or thinking like ISLAMISTS!

Here is what "Hatikvah" said when confronted with the "scam" they were perpetrating and taking the money of the supporters of Israel - and giving them "NOTHING IN RETURN".

"Hatikvah" ... says ...
Because we feel that Palestinians are scamming the world with their lies, so we decided to return them the favor by publishing a book and making the truth even more simple.

THEREFORE - "HATIKVAH" feels that scamming the "supporters of Israel" out of their $18 - and giving them 300 blank pages is "exposing the Palestinian lies"??!!

What a bunch of jerks they are over there - at HATIKVAH!

Geert Wilders IFA Friends
My allies are not [France's Jean-Mari] Le Pen or [Austria's Jorg] Haider. We'll never join up with the fascists and Mussolinis of Italy. I'm very afraid of being linked with the wrong rightist fascist groups. -Geert Wilders
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Geert Wilders IFA Friends AND ... "Hatikvah" follows up with that comment with another one - to "cover" for them TAKING MONEY FROM THE SUPPORTERS OF ISRAEL - ILLEGITIMATELY ... and note, that they NEVER warned people about this ahead of time, but only after they HAD BEEN CAUGHT IN THE SCAM!

Here's what Hatikvah says ...

"We have published a book about everything about the history of the Palestinians. A good quality book of 300 pages...but 300 BLANK pages! Because there's nothing to write about, there's just no history. That's our message and that's why we've published this thought provoking book."

GWIFA: This is such an idiotic explanation - that one would expect it to come from a juvenile personality or someone in JUNIOR HIGH or GRADE SCHOOL.

Is this the kind of "intellectual prowess" we can expect over there at "Hatikvah" in addition to them scamming the supporters of Israel out of their money - and giving them NOTHING?!

We don't need this kind of support for Israel in our midst, which is why we will have nothing to do with "Hatikvah" any longer or support their page.

We don't support SCAMMERS or CRIMINALS or FRAUDSTERS ... or the ISLAMISTS and JIHADISTS here.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends These are "bold scammers" over at the HATIKVAH facebook page! They admit to the fact ...

"We are now ONLY sharing the information about the fact that this book consist of 300 Blank pages."

GWIFA: Ummm ... yeah "Hatikvah" ... now that you've been exposed by the buyers - and you got all the money you could - now you're making like "it's no big deal"!

Hatikvah Hey, is this an attack on our page without even contacting us and request some facts or answers? You can mail us at But this impulsive way of accusing us doesn't show much impartiality. So before posting about us, BE INTERESTED and ask us some facts or answers. Thank you

Geert Wilders IFA Friends Hatikvah, we're repeating this from our other post ...

You've already ADMITTED the basic facts which we find DESPICABLE and CRIMINAL. In the USA, this would be prosecuted as FRAUD. We have followed the so-called "book" from your first announcement of it and we waited to see the reviews before posting anything about it.

We also know that you DID NOT INFORM people - UP FRONT - that you were "publishing" 300 blank pages. We know that because we've been following your announcements of it from the beginning.

It would have been different if you had made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR from the beginning announcement of this book - that people were buying 300 blank pages for $18. You didn't.

There's nothing to ask as that's all that is needed to prosecute for fraud!

We're recommending that people do contact the authorities and alert them to this FRAUD. We also recommend that people notify Amazon of this FRAUD. And we recommend that people let Facebook know about this FRAUD.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends VERY IMPORTANT from HATIKVAH ...​GW.IFA/posts/​131592183629960

GWIFA: We're not sure WHO exactly was "associated with this former scam" - but apparently the page - "HATIKVAH" - has disassociated themselves from that person or people, and the "book" too!

AND ... that is good news!

Hatikvah ... says ...

According to the terms and conditions of the use of facebook, the activity relating to the publication of the book "Everything About the History of the Palestinians" and those affiliated with it have been disassociated with this page.

Hatikvah means "the hope" and is here to offer support for Israel.

We apologize to those who were victim to the former scam that arose and we assure you that we are more dedicated to supporting Israel than ever.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends Also to clear up WHO the scammer was (has been removed from Hatikvah now) - he is "Mr. Never Give Up" that we noted on this post.

Please be aware he has been removed from "HATIKVAH" and they are not associated with him or his "book" (the scam that we were reporting).

The Real Face Behind MrNever Give Up and Hatikvah: PLEASE ask Alain Horoit to return my money!​GW.IFA/posts/​127321100724386

GWIFA: There is a DESPICABLE SCAMMER in our midst ... even we were SCAMMED here on this page, thinking that this person behind "Hatikvah" (Facebook page) was a true believing Jew! Far from it! He's a scammer!


NOTE AGAIN ... Hatikvah has now disassociated themselves from this scammer and his "book". Hatikvah has been very responsive and has taken care of the problem!

Alina Polyak Geert Wilders IFA Friends
WARNING! This is a SCAMMER PAGE. They have been heavily promoting a book (300 pages) on the Palestinians (supposedly some good documentation and proof) ... and charged people $18 for it ...

The problem? ... People have only gotten 300 blank pages in return. It's amazing that Amazon is still allowing the book to be sold there. It's also amazing that this Facebook page is still PROMOTING this book...
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As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart, With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion, Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost: To be a free people in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem. Kol ode balevav P'nimah - Nefesh Yehudi homiyah Ulfa'atey mizrach kadimah Ayin l'tzion tzofiyah. Ode lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim: L'hiyot am chofshi b'artzenu - Eretz Tzion v'Yerushalayim
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Geert Wilders IFA Friends Rose Mompie ... you'll have to go over to the SIDEBAR and give us the "specifics" of that. When you do and document exactly what page you're referring to - then we'll take your documentation back here and clarify the issue. We'll wait for your documentation over there on the SIDEBAR ...

Rose Mompie You're right! They ARE selling a blank book on Amazon.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends Rose ... I would also recommend that people complain to Amazon too, as they should not be allowing such a scam to happen on their book-selling site!

Rose Mompie I just asked them about it and they admit they are just now revealing the fact that it is blank. I have been following them for awhile and I was surprised they would do such a thing.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends Rose ... this was INTENDED FROM THE BEGINNING to trick people and scam them out of their money. They know that based on their "former" reputation, that they would get a "lot of sales" in the beginning without anyone suspecting anything.

AND THEN ... they knew that once they were "caught" (and they knew they would be) that they would try to "cover themselves" by giving those stupid lines that they've given (that we posted up above in our most recent posts up above).

THEREFORE, Hatikvah INTENDED to scam as many of the supporters of Israel as possible - right off the bat - and then "fall back" to their "LAME EXCUSE" that they are giving right now!

IF - and ONLY IF - Hatikvah had intended this as a "public relations ploy" (which just by itself, without the "scam" it would be good) - they could have let it be known to people - UP FRONT - and in big bold letters - that they had 300 blank pages for people to buy the book and set it on their own "coffee table" at home - and when someone asked for the "information about the Palestinians" - the people could hand it over to others and show them the 300 blank pages.

IF that had been marketed that way - UP FRONT - and with CLEAR WARNING that this is what they were doing - THEN - it would be a different story.

BUT THEY DIDN'T -- and Hatikvah HID THE FACT until they had scammed as many of the supporters of Israel out of their money - and then they now give us these LAME EXCUSES!

Rose Mompie It's really shameful. I hope it doesn't stop people from supporting Israel.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends NO ... it won't stop people from supporting Israel, but it will make people more cautious about "blindly accepting" anyone who says that "they support Israel" - and who turn out to be scammers.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends VERY IMPORTANT from HATIKVAH ...​GW.IFA/posts/​131592183629960

GWIFA: We're not sure WHO exactly was "associated with this former scam" - but apparently the page - "HATIKVAH" - has disassociated themselves from that person or people, and the "book" too!

AND ... that is good news!

Hatikvah ... says ...

According to the terms and conditions of the use of facebook, the activity relating to the publication of the book "Everything About the History of the Palestinians" and those affiliated with it have been disassociated with this page.

Hatikvah means "the hope" and is here to offer support for Israel.

We apologize to those who were victim to the former scam that arose and we assure you that we are more dedicated to supporting Israel than ever.

Rose Mompie That's a change of tune from earlier today.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends Rose ... behind a page there are usually many "admins" but they all appear under the same name (i.e. "Hatikvah") when posting on the page. So, I would say that the latest comment is from the founder of the page (or someone else in authority behind the page) who has just found out about the scam - perpetrated by one of the admins - but without the knowledge of the rest of them. It's unfortunate that this can happen - but it does sometimes.

And since OFFICIALLY - Hatikvah has disassociated themselves from this scam and gotten rid of that admin - I would say that this takes care of the problem.

Rose Mompie Good.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends Also to clear up WHO the scammer was (has been removed from Hatikvah now) - he is "Mr. Never Give Up" that we noted on this post.

Please be aware he has been removed from "HATIKVAH" and they are not associated with him or his "book" (the scam that we were reporting).

The Real Face Behind MrNever Give Up and Hatikvah: PLEASE ask Alain Horoit to return my money!​GW.IFA/posts/​127321100724386

GWIFA: There is a DESPICABLE SCAMMER in our midst ... even we were SCAMMED here on this page, thinking that this person behind "Hatikvah" (Facebook page) was a true believing Jew! Far from it! He's a scammer!


NOTE AGAIN ... Hatikvah has now disassociated themselves from this scammer and his "book". Hatikvah has been very responsive and has taken care of the problem!Geert Wilders Sidebar
This page is the Geert Wilders SIDEBAR ... "side discussions" for "Geert Wilders...
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Martin Ashton ‎@Colher de Pau or is that Alain Horoit...who knows or cares? The fact ANYONE can make money out this peice of utter crap under the pretence of a pro israel group is simply deplorable. The author of this pile of toilet paper is either mentally insane or just wants to compound their own failure by trying to scam others including fellow jews at the expense of Israel. SHAME ON YOU ALAIN HOROIT - A DISGRACE TO AM YISRAEL.

Alina Polyak men zugt auf yiddish - a shande fur di goyiim, and Geert Wilders, no less...

Hatikvah ‎Martin Ashton Thank You!

Alina Polyak ‎@Colher de Pau / Alain Horoit - this teenager is much more mature than you. I did not GIVE you money by free will - you BORROWED it from me and promised to RETURN it after the parties, you went to a meeting with my boss asking for money and I borrowed it from friends because my boss did not give it to you. The scam you perpetrated on me by making me director with responsibility all the time lying to me I was only a shareholder is beyond any morality. Now you are trying to scam supporters of Israel. When are you going to understand you need treatment, Alain?

Mário Thomas commented on your link.
Mário wrote: "Since you and the hacker Miriam are together (or so you think... you should pay more attention to what Miriam says about you and the 'behind the scenes'. otherwise it will be too late for you Alina; getting used once by someone you loved is one thing... being screwed by an 18 year old, another and you will regret the latest one even more). Trust me! Miriam is no good behind all the good she does about Israel. It's gone hurt Alina... More than you think! Open your eyes; do it for you!"
to Mário Thomas/ Alain Horoit
You don't have the balls even to post comments under your real name, Alain, so I won't bother to answer your insinuations. The one who is going to regret screwing everyone is you - Alain Horoit, there will be plenty of time for that in jail.


I feed bad that the admins on Hatikvah - (I know only some of them) were removed together with Alain.

But weren't they aware of what was happening? Did they not care?

There is a saying in ukrainian - my hut is on the outskirt of the village.

I was told by one of the admins - "it is between you and Alain - your personal problems."

If it were my personal problem and if I were the only one who he did not return his debts to - fine. I am paying the lawyer for dealing with him.

But there are so many others who never saw their money back, where are they? Where are their voices?

I am the only one who had the courage to come out and say - PEOPLE BEWARE ALAIN HOROIT is AFTER YOUR MONEY under the pretext of supporting Israel!

He used the admins to work for him for free so he can sell stuff and put money in his own pocket.
And who would be held responsible for the scam?

He has no name and no address since he fled Belgium and is hiding from his creditors.
The admins would be the ones carrying the responsibility - maybe even in court.

It seems Miri Young was the only one who had the guts to deal with the situation.

I had nothing to do with it - it was GEERT WILDERS page who discovered the book scam and found me via amazon reviews.

I do not know if it is the right way to take a page from its creator. It is his creation. But what is the alternative?

Let the page be deleted for fraud? So the admins would lose it anyway!

Or maybe they should have paid attention to who was their creator and what he was doing - like Geert Wilders said - "built up their reputation as supporters of Israel to scam people" and not just close their eyes and look away?

Were they not  used and manipulated by Alain Horoit - like so many people?

I don't know. I just know that honest people do not want to be told by a person with no morals and with debts all over Europe and Israel NEVER TO GIVE UP.

If they don't care they are JUST LIKE HIM!!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Hatikvah please post an apology and disclaimer on the page warning people that the book
has nothing to do with you...and that Mr Never Give up  Alain Horoit has no connection anymore with you
We apologize that this book was being promoted here.

This is not a history book but a joke that tried to make a point. It's an empty book, symbolizing the lack of 'History of the Palestinians.' People felt cheated after paying 20 dollars and receiving a blank book.

When we realized this page was being used to promote a scam, we took action, removing those responsible and returning, more dedicated than ever, to our mission of supporting and educating about Israel.

Thank you for supporting Israel.
Everything About the History of the Palestinians: Hatikvah: Books

Miriam Young wrote: "I would never scam or hurt anyone, I promote Israel on facebook because I believe in standing up for the truth. When I realized what was happening right in front of my face, I looked at my options and did the only moral thing I could.

Yes, there are a few people furious with me... But better that than many people cheated out of their money and questioning their support for pro-Israel organizations."

Miriam Young wrote: "If you question my intentions, read the words on this photo"
Everything About the History of the Palestinians: Hatikvah: Books
 ·  ·  · February 13 at 7:00pm ·