after following comment appeared on amazon
ByAlberto Elia Treves - See all my reviews
This review is from: Everything About the History of the Palestinians (Paperback)
This book is a joke for very extremist people. I was expecting a book speaking about the history of Palestinian and when you open it is almost 300 blank pages. I am still waiting for the refund from AMAZON
It is not reccomended unless you are an extremist
SCAM - DO NOT ORDER THIS BOOK, February 9, 2012
nileseast - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Everything About the History of the Palestinians (Paperback)
i ordered this book because i am a student of israel and the history of the middle east. the book just arrived and when i opened it, the contents were COMPLETELY BLANK. yes folks, blank pages!!! then i got was a joke because apparently since the palestnians are an invented people there is no history, hence the BLANK PAGES!!! this book was misrepresented. it should have been clearly disclosed that this was a joke book with no content. WHAT A SCAM!!!
Initial post: Feb 9, 2012 7:15:19 PM PST
You are right about the History of the Palestinians. I feel as if I've been duped. True or not, the paper is so cheap I can't even draw on it. Huge scam.
HATIKVAH came out with the truth - blank book -
Gideon Jones wrote to him
Some reviews of this book claim that it is blank (a funny, but dishonest joke if true.)
Others are claiming that there is actually substance, but they seem to have a personal gripe against the presumed author.
What gives!?
NV says:
Definitely a scam, my copy had all blank pages. Sent my copy back to amazon for a full refund.
This review is from: Everything About the History of the Palestinians (Paperback)
Although it is fitting that this book should be blank seeing as it is an account of a people who have never existed, it is still a filthy scam to sell this joke for the price listed. If you purchase it, jokes on you.
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Everything About the History of the Palestinians (Paperback)
I thought that this book made a great symbolic statement but there are so many people who either don't get it or won't get it. Therefore I am withdrawing my indorsement. Benjamin B says:
Wow, and here I was assuming that this book was AT LEAST "cut and paste", but it is even worse than that. Not least because the empty book joke is already done in "Everything Men Think About Other Than Sex".
Alain..I see this book is full of BLANK pages - you are scamming people on Amazon....Another scam! How stupid do you think people are ...This is the job of an uneducated, racist and troubled individual who has no ideals or morals. I suspect something major has been lacking in Alain's life....
MESSAGE from Hatikvah
Dear members,
We are proud to introduce you our unique and hilarious book: "EVERYTHING ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE PALESTINIANS", the first comprehensive book on the subject.
"This brilliant book covers throughout 300 pages not only Palestinian history but captures an array of dynamic events and contributions by the Palestinians to the world in different fields. From science to technology, religion to art, archeological findings, the present book covers the impact of the Arab Palestinian genius and imagination on the world."
Now, the hilarious part is that the book consists of 300 blank pages while we advocate that it is "One of the most important books ever written in recent years."
It is not a joke, it is the truth; While others say "make a lie simple", we decided to "make the truth very simple."
It might be a challenge but even if we had to write 300 thousand pages, we would achieve the same conclusion: ‘Palestine’ does not exist!
You can order this book by clicking following link: About the History of the Palestinians
Martin Ashton also commented on Hatikvah's link.
Martin wrote: "@Colher de Pau or is that Alain Horoit...who knows or cares? The fact ANYONE can make money out this peice of utter crap under the pretence of a pro israel group is simply deplorable. The author of this pile of toilet paper is either mentally insane or just wants to compound their own failure by trying to scam others including fellow jews at the expense of Israel. SHAME ON YOU ALAIN HOROIT - A DISGRACE TO AM YISRAEL."
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