are you there?
online yes
if this guy accepted
would he start immediately?
when is he telling us
depends the notice he has to give to his current employer...but august shoudl be doable and of course an immediate switch in preparing working for us
he will tell today
are you in the office waiting or at the hotel?
will he call you?
apart hotel waiting. if he accepts it, i stay, if we are off to a new series of interview, i will have to leave again to come back later
he will mail me
why do I have to sell shares to you?
and not the company?
because then it will become assets of the company and not mine. I will have to rebuy them if i want them to be mine
why do you want them to be yours?
so that i am free to do with them whatever i want, and not having to buy them again from the company
like a car...
I don't think I understand
if i buy a car under the company's name, the car belongs to the company. If i want the car to be mine, i would have to buy it myself...
but it is risk, no?
maybe I should not sell them then?
why should you not sell them? Then you keep on sharing the risks...and i told you about that
I will think about it
if it is afloat for a while
depends how long
what are you saying? that you want to reconsider whether to sell or not? whether to stay or not?
and why is that?
maybe it is less risky that we thought
look I have to go now, I will call you in the evening
I want to discuss this with you in a calm situation
it is very calm, but i don't change my mind to get you out as soon as it starts, like we discussed.
are you at apart navigli?
don't know where that is
the hotel has a central switch right?
the central number
they can connect
it is too important to discuss in chat
we will talk in chat later this evening. When I will be back in the office, then by phone
I will be online from 19
it is very important decision
and I want to know your arguments all pro and contra
also we will know if he accepted
this is what I meant
I want to know why you are taking the risk and I cannot
i am there to help you make a decision, nut nothing that was discussed before. Once it starts, I am the only one taking the risks. It's only when it starts taht I realize my commitments. I can still get out of this now, but not once it starts.
why am i taking the risks? because that was my only option to get back on track. And I am prepared to face whatever I will have to face. And you are not getting involved in this
talk this evening
cause I must leave
but please be ther
and meantime, don't consider again to give any phone number to anyone
i don't know why you even considered that?
talk later
or tomorrow?
just tell me if the guy agreed or not
are you looking for a new one?
did he write?
if it is much later maybe let us discuss our issues tmorrow
are you there Alain?
it is OK if you cannot discuss, just say so
you should try to be more reliable in business
i'm here
nu did he accept?
tomorrow i call one more guy and then we have to go for UNEMPLOYED people
in Italy plenty of those
i thought that i would be dealing with unemployed people that will jump on the opportunity
who are you going to call?
but randstad presented our first top managers
they are scared
afraid to lose?
i need to call one guy that i spoke earlier but who couldn't meet me so far because he is still abroad
so maybe tomorrow you can reach him?
this is frustrating for us
and i will have contact with albert to discuss a plan b, which he said that he had
plan b?
did he say what?
yes, because the guy today rejected a raise of 2200 euros...
they prefer to play it safe and join us once that we are active
I see
they don't want to risk their job for a new one
no good news
call Albert tomorrow?
unemployed people is the answer, people that got fired because of the crisis...
but all this is time consuming
but all this is time consuming
what is with your internet connection?
don't know...
now is working again
so can you stay there
until this is clarified?
or they want you to leave again?
try to negotiate to stay
why lose time again
i am leaving tomorrow. probably will come back next week
so you can talk to Albert about plan b tomorrow?
probably tonight, he said he'll contact me after his meeting
why did you stop using skype so much better than this
make another profile
he will call?
skype will be incorporated on facebook soon...
it is already
but it is more convenient
about the shares
I don;t quite get the whole situation
you have internet in Madrid?
we can talk about this later
if you are tired
why is it so risky when it starts
and why you want to have them
if you do why can't I
I understand the risk is there
but after a year, no?
at the moment, there are no risks at all. If this continues, there will be no risks at all, except if they are doing something behind my back which I can't think of such at the moment.
But once it starts, what makes you think there are no more risks?
no no
you said after starts risk is after a year or 2
so why leave right away/
why not leaving right away as you always asked me?
I asked you but I have a right to change my mind no?
in theory at least
you change many times your mind. but here you need to know why? Why taking a risk for 10% if I can take you out so that you don't risk anything anymore?
women change their minds
maybe this risk is not that big
what makes you think that?
your attitude
I don't want to do something I did not decide
if I do I want to know why
As long as it doesn't start, I don't own them anything. It's only once it starts that there won't be no way back. But you have to tell me why you feel that there are no more risks?
you behave this way
and my intuition
what do you mean no way back for you?
and why why why did they need us at all
exactly cover up for the risks
so if there no risks, why would they need us...good question that should answer yours too
my brain is trying to internalize this information
OK, so you risk nothing you have nothing, is this right?
this isn't the case. there is the risk, it's there
but risk - what does it mean
to be mirdered?
what does it mean?
you want me to write down what you already know? There is a risk and I will take the blame. I wanted to take you out and now you want to stay. Any particular reason you want to take that risk?
I do not want to stay
I do not want to do things I do not understand
sign things I don"t understand
we never talked about anything
you never gave e a chance to ask you questions
it is long due that we communicate
the same as with relationships
how can feelings stay or go if you do not speak and only write emails
don't think that I read your mind
you have to explain things to me
what do you want me to explain that you don't know. You need to know what you want? To stay, to get out? The thing is that I am responsible to return you the money and with this company I will. I don't see the reasons you want to stay, because I don't see the benefits to stay. But if you do want to stay, let me know why and we can discuss, but preferably without changement next week
I wanted to discuss the options
you did not prepare the agreement anyway
i had to change that little modification. No more. But let us discuss so that we won't have to re discuss this later
and with the relationship I did not want to remember you as a loser who only needed money
that is why I asked you to meet
to have a good memory
I can accept we are not getting married
let's first conclude that shares thing before we move on to another subject
but I cannot accept such things per mail
the shares
what is the risk for me
is it losing money?
or going to jail?
So, either you trust that I want to take the risks and take you out as soon as I see that you need to get out, or you just want to stay, tell me why and as grown up you may decide for yourself
I am just used to doing things against the current
so if you want me to do something say the contrary thing 
I was thinking of staying because I see great potential in this business
I am not like you, I saying the things the way they are...
it is going to grow
ok, so let's revise your stay in the company, 10% so fay which gives you no much power of authority...but you will be taking all the blame... So far, nothing in the planned changed. Albert didn't ask to replace because it may be safe now. Their plan didn't change so for me no reason to think that everything will be alright and that I will be leading a multinational. I always think that NO ONE will come to my rescue if I don't think of myself. They have their plans and I need to have mine. I will not entrust them at 100%... Are you?
them? no
I trust you
you are the one with experience
so now everything is safe and clean, but once we start, we'll see. And as I told you, I will not drag you into problems. How more clear can I be?
but really no one came to your rescue?
you forgot about me again
maybe in the future noone
by the way a lawyer told me you neeed to modify the home page
you told me, with a disclaimer. I already advised them to modify the website or invest in a good powerful website. But how come a lawyer got involved?
my girlfriend is
she look at the homepage
and said this has to be done
I have many friends
with useful professions
one is a broker
I cannot ask you usually
you are never available
for questions
besides the emotional part it is important to know you are there for open issues
so think about what you want to do. I will not tell you yes otherwise you say no and I will not tell you no otherwise you say me yes. I think you can still trust me. I didn't change my mind often. What I said remained. I told you the business, I told you to take you out, I told you to return the money. I told you about our relationship and I told you I was grateful for what you did. I didn't really change mind every day...
no, but I still think you could meet or call to tell me things
you think it is normal to talk about relationship per mail?
OK, send me the agreement modified
I wanted to have memories of you as a great guy
what I have left is of stress and horror
always trying to get money
you never gave us a chance to know each other
that is why I asked to meet have quality time
and you accuse me of tricks
oh, meanwhile i showed that i was capable of building up new things. So I am not the man who stand still and doesn't move on...
ok, i see the share part is solved? you have made up your mind? The things remained as discussed?
I am moving towards the decision
to remain as discussed
now you can talk about what you want... 
all I wanted all these months was to talk
to have a chance to be heard
because I took active part in your life
you let me
and I felt you were harsh and unfair to me lately
I know you had a hard time
I am not blaming you
where was I unfair? where didn't I tell you the truth?
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