Saturday, February 4, 2012


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: AH
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 10:11:28 +0000
From: Shalom From Hatikvah <>
To: <>

After a year now, i don't think that anything will have such emergency.
To say the truth, I will send him an email today or tomorrow (I'll give some thoughts about it by a good walk) and tell him that if the company doesn't start by end this month or at least the TEST doesn't start by the first week next month, that it is better to stop or that he convince me otherwise.

He replied every question I had and presented me with every document, but obviously it is not enough.  Every of his time expectation failed and now after the last contract where he got all his codes to participate at the auctions, if they don't start it means that the company will never start.
I am also fed up because this hope that it will start one day refrains me of anticipating my other opportunities.  Once that I know that I don't have to hope on the company anymore, I give full power to Mr Never Give Up and shows all around.  But as I always expect the company to start, I am taking more time in taking things easily and time to prepare myself.  In fact, without that company I would have launched it much earlier.

So that is what I'll do.
Yes, before June 11 or 12th you can expect help.

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