Tuesday, March 13, 2012


In the light of latest insinuations by Mr Horoit.

My name in my passport is Alina Polyak, which he also must have seen when asking for my ID and signature to make his money laundering company A.H. New Energy of which I was director (which he was hiding from me) and still am a shareholder. All the documents are to be seen on this blog.




Did Alain Horoit establish a company with a woman who was stalking him? He has a strange business taste:) No wonder all his business adventures always end in disaster!

I was a glamour model when I was at university, because I needed to finance my education.
I am a poor immigrant refugee who fled pogroms and Chernobyl and  who has no family to help me.
And as opposed to Alain Horoit I never dated for money.
One of the photographers I worked with is internationally known Michael Troop, who works in Germany and the US in glamour photography.
He can be found under

He can explain the difference between erotic art and pornography. I hope most of you know the difference.

Now please look at my pictures - especially my male readers. Do I need to run after men for their attention? I don't think so.

Maybe the relationship was not real - since Alain Horoit was dating two other women at the same time with me.
But the money Mr Horoit was taking from me was hard reality. Here you can see the Western Union transfers, and it is not all.  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2s9rwHPZ7qpNjUyODI5Y2YtNjAyNC00MjhlLWI1MWYtYTU2ZmQyZjEyMzZi/edit

I gave Alain Horoit 1000 Euro cash and another 1250 Euro he stole from my Visa Card which I gave him when he told me that he needed a bank account and was expecting money transfers to it. (He explained that his friend Marco Devaux stole money from him and blocked his bank account. It turns out Alain Horoit owes Marco EUR 15 000.)
 After about a month I got a letter from the bank that I had minus 1250 Euro on my account. When I confronted Alain Horoit with it he started telling his usual lies, promised to transfer the money - in the end he did transfer... 250 Euro. The rest  - I never saw it  again... Alain Horoit told me it was the bank's fault - for letting him take out 1250 Euro. He said it was "like putting money outside the door".

I have been trying for 2 years to get my money back. He paid me back 3000 out of 11 000 under the contract of fake sales of shares which had the deadline of 31.12.2011 - the contract was annulled because of non-payment by Alain Horoit.


If asking to pay back the debt is called "stalking" - yes I have and will be harrassing him until he pays me my 8000 Euro back. It is my year's income.

Alain Horoit, you are a thief!

The only reason he accuses Miriam of stealing his page is because he needs to divert attention from his dirty scam with the blank book which was selling for a real book price.

It is up to you to decide who is the thief here.

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